Le quartier du panier, Marseille
The Panier district, Marseille © aterrom - Adobe Stock

Whether you visit Marseille for two days or a week, there's always a ton of exciting things to do, like visiting the calanques. From the Canebière to the Old Port, you've covered all the must-sees in Marseille. Now it's time to add a little creativity to your visits! Original activities are becoming increasingly popular in major cities, much to our delight. Who hasn't wanted to have fun on a TV set or dine in complete darkness? Thanks to our unusual activities in Marseille, you'll be able to add a touch of fun to your visits! Follow us as we present our top 13 offbeat experiences for couples, families and friends.

1. Fun with friends in an unusual quiz room in Marseille

Buzzer © Svetliy - Adobe Stock

Taking part in a board game just like on TV is a lot more fun than watching it from behind the screen! Come and have fun at Marseille's quiz room, where, armed with your buzzer, you can challenge your friends and family to a game show. With a variety of themes, you're in for 1h to 1h30 of laughter and good humor. Offbeat, amusing, surprising questions: you'll love the concept! Several formulas are available, allowing everyone to have the time of their life, from the age of 14 upwards. Formulas for children aged 8 and over are also available.

Book my Quiz Room activity in Marseille

2. L'Affaire Barthélémy, a treasure hunt for adults

Port de Marseille
Port of Marseille © Boris Stroujko - Adobe Stock

Would you like to discover Marseille in a fun way? With the "L'Affaire Barthélémy" treasure hunt , you're the investigator. A house has been burgled, and you're on the trail of the culprits! After entering the house and analyzing the crime scene, you set off to explore the town in Sherlock Holmes mode. Various clues, scattered here and there throughout Marseille, allow you to discover the city in a fun way. A thrilling adventure for the whole family or just a few friends, which you can book in just a few clicks here!

3. Top unusual activities in Marseille: the Illusion Museum

Illusion d'optique
Optical illusion © adrianad - Adobe Stock

Already featured in our articles on unusual activities to try in Lyon and unusual activities to do in Bordeaux, this concept is definitely making inroads in all of France's major cities! In Marseille, the Musée de l'Illusion is located right next to the city's famous Mucem museum. The dozens ofoptical illusions are not only fun, they're also entertaining. Each illusion, each trompe-l'œil, is explained step by step, to help you understand why our eyes perceive them the way they do. Are you tempted? Take advantage of our partner's special rates by booking your ticket to the Musée de l'Illusion right here !

Do you like this type of visit? Discover the 12 best unusual museums in France!

4. Test unusual activities in Marseille with virtual reality

La réalité virtuelle, une expérience insolite
Virtual reality, an unusual experience © kite_rin - Adobe Stock

It's impossible to ignore the virtual reality craze of recent years. Visit Illucity and Virtual Room to discover unusual VR activities in Marseille. We offer a range of themes for a truly unique experience. Embark on an imaginary world, as if you were there. As the real protagonist of your virtual reality game, you'll come away with unique memories of this fun activity to discover with friends.

5. Unusual zen activity in Marseille: puppy yoga

Yoga avec un chiot
Yoga with a puppy © 220 Selfmade studio - Adobe Stock

Head to rue Breteuil to discover a zen and comforting activity: puppy yoga. It's all in the name! You do yoga, while cuddling cute puppies. It's impossible to resist their adorable faces. With their unconditional love, they bring you joy and comfort, and leave your session with your heart full of beautiful thoughts. This unusual activity, which you can book here in just a few clicks, puts well-being at the heart of your session, so that this shared moment brings you pure relaxation.

Smart tip:puppy yoga is also available in Aix-en-Provence. Long live cuddle therapy!

6. Sensas, a full range of sensory activities in Marseille

Escape game en famille
Family Escape Game © JackF - Adobe Stock

Between laughter and fear, test your 5 senses in the immersive rooms of Sensas and its unusual activities in Marseille. This unique escape game raises awareness of disability by testing certain senses at the expense of others. Each test you complete earns you an amulet, which in turn enables you to make a donation to a charity. Guided by your Master of the Senses, will you be able to overcome the black or ultra-colored Sensas rooms?

7. Food Tour No Diet: unusual activities for gourmands in Marseille

Navettes au chocolat
Chocolate shuttles © helenedevun - Adobe Stock

Embark on a gourmet adventure with Marseille's Food Tour No Diet. From 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., discover local specialties at some of the city's best addresses. From panisses and daube provençale to Navettes de Marseille, your taste buds will be begging for more. As the name suggests, don't look for light menus on this daring tour of Marseille's narrow streets. Your guide will treat you to some of the city's finest local produce!

Book my "No Diet Club" Food Tour in Marseille

8. Learn the art of cocktail making, Marseille's top unusual activity

Fabrication de cocktails
Cocktail making © jeepbabes - Adobe Stock

Have you always wanted to be a barista, but only for the fun of it? At Atelier Ferroni, learn how to make your own cocktails! Guided by a real spirits expert, you'll learn the right gestures and the best combinations to create real cocktails at home. Fun and playful, yet serious, this activity is popular with couples and groups of friends looking for unusual activities in Marseille. An excellent idea for an EVJF or EVG!

Book my cocktail workshop in Marseille

9. A family adventure in Marseille at EcoPark Games

Enfant et son père sur une tablette
Child and father on a tablet © LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS - Adobe Stock

Outdoor escape game or digital treasure hunt? Why choose? At EcoPark, Marseille's adventure park, you can do both! You're off to discover the Forbidden Worlds. This family adventure can be enjoyed by both parent and child. It's a great way to strengthen family ties while having fun. Equipped with a touch-sensitive tablet, you follow the clues step by step, during an unusual adventure lasting around 1 h 30, which you can book right here. Will you be able to lead the investigation in this futuristic world that seems ideal, but isn't really?

10. Visit a cave... in the middle of town!

Musée de la grotte Cosquer à Marseille
Cosquer Cave Museum, Marseille © laurencesoulez - Adobe Stock

Once again, head for the Mucem to discover one of Marseille's most unusual activities: a cave in the middle of the city. Or rather, its faithful reconstruction. The replica of the Grotte Cosquer, opening in 2022 at the Villa Méditerranée, recreates an archaeological treasure discovered in 1985 by Henri Cosquer, 37 meters beneath the waters of Marseille's calanques. Incredible!

The cave, decorated with over 500 cave paintings dating from 33,000 to 19,000 years ago, is threatened by rising sea levels. In order to preserve this exceptional heritage, the Southern Region has invested in a faithful recreation of the original. Aboard a small boat, you'll discover an immersive 35-45 minute tour, transporting you under the sea as you were when you made the original discovery. Tempted? Take advantage of our partner's special rates by booking your admission right here!

11. An indoor treasure hunt, an unusual family activity

Enfants étonnés
Astonished children © Dni497 Studio - Adobe Stock

At the heart of a theme-based setting, The Black Room plunges you into the strangest game of hide-and-seek of your life. In a 100m² room, children and parents (or single adults!) are plunged into total darkness. Labyrinths, secret passages and special effects are just some of the "extras" you'll need to have a great time. Can you find the members of the opposing team? You've got about half an hour!

Book my Escape Game in the dark

12. Enjoy your meal in a restaurant... in the dark!

Couple © Vorda Berge - Adobe Stock

Here's a concept that's becoming increasingly popular, and one that you should try out at least once in your life. Very often, when a dish arrives in front of us at a restaurant, we judge it first and foremost by its appearance. The solidarity restaurant Le République invites you to enjoy your meal in the dark. Without sight, you have to amplify your other senses, in particular your sense of taste. This experience, initially designed to better understand visual disability, is a real success. As well as being instructive, it's also a great way to enjoy an unusual meal out!

13. Unusual workshops to try out in Marseille

Fabrication de savon
Soap-making © Nikolai - Adobe Stock

Out with the old and in with the new! In Marseille, you'll find a host of workshops, each more original than the last, which you can book right here. Create an upholstered cushion? It's possible! Learning to sew your own zero-waste accessories is also possible at Atelier Regain. This being Marseille, you can also learn how to make your own pastis. As long as you taste it in moderation, you'll be fine! Marseille also means... soap! Would you like to learn how to make artisanal soap? Visit Viser la Lune, where Carmen will introduce you to an ancestral and typically local art.

Pottery, ceramics, dried flowers- there are plenty of other unusual workshops to try out during your discovery of this beautiful Bouches-du-Rhône town.

Don't leave yet! You'll find plenty of other unusual activities around Marseille. About 20 km away, we invite you to head for Bouc-Bel-Air and its indoor surfing. Will you dare to challenge the giant wave? In the same town, iFLY invites you to try your hand at free-fall in its simulator. Thrills guaranteed! Finally, in the same style as these 20 unusual accommodations in France, discover the Maison Empereur. This store is a veritable institution, which takes on the appearance of an unusual bed and breakfast in the back room after closing time. Offbeat, astonishing: a real favorite! Did you enjoy your unusual visits? For your next vacation, discover the best unusual places in France, to treat yourself wherever you go.

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