Vue sur le Puy-en-Velay et Notre Dame de la France
View of Le Puy-en-Velay and Notre Dame de la France © Boris Stroujko - Adobestock

When you arrive in Le Puy-en-Velay, you'll be amazed by the famous rocky peaks that have earned the town the nickname "Mont-Saint-Michel des Terres"... Located in the heart of France's Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, the town of Le Puy-en-Velay is indeed a historical and cultural gem. Known for its spectacular volcanic landscapes, rich architectural heritage and delicious gastronomy, this town has much to offer visitors from all horizons. It's also a historic starting point for the Camino de Santiago de Compostela, so you'll come across pilgrims with a shell hanging from their backpack.

In this article, we present the 15 must-sees in Le Puy-en-Velay. Pack your bags and follow us as we discover the hidden treasures of Le Puy-en-Velay!

1. Notre-Dame-du-Puy Cathedral

Cathédrale Notre-Dame du Puy-en-Velay
Notre-Dame du Puy-en-Velay Cathedral © Unclesam - Adobestock

Notre-Dame du Puy Cathedral, an architectural jewel listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is an essential place of peace and meditation in the heart of Le Puy-en-Velay. You can admire its Romanesque architecture, with oriental, Spanish and Italian influences, as well as its bold construction on a 17-metre-high rock face. To reach the cathedral, climb a 134-step staircase, known as the belly staircase, which leads directly to the altar. Inside, the Black Madonna, carved from cedar and dressed in oriental style,is a 17th-century replica, the original having been destroyed during the French Revolution. See the Pierre des Fièvres, a volcanic table said to have healing powers. Pilgrims still lie on it today.

Notre-Dame du Puy Cathedral is also a historic stopover on the via Podensis, one of the four major routes leading to the Spanish shrine of Santiago de Compostela.

2. The cloister of Notre-Dame-du-Puy

Cathédrale et statue de notre Dame de France, le Puy en Velay
Cathedral and statue of Notre Dame de France, Le Puy en Velay © Blogtrip - Adobestock

The cloister of Le Puy-en-Velay cathedral is an architectural gem, housinga museum of religious art with an impressive collection of embroidered liturgical textiles. This space, enclosed by four colorful galleries, was reserved for the cathedral's canons and is a sublime legacy of Romanesque art. The polychrome arcades are topped with oriental-inspired mosaics, and coexist harmoniously with a large series of 154 figured capitals and a particularly impressive sculpted cornice, filled with angels, foliage and fantastical creatures. During your visit, you'll be able to admire period frescoes, such as the 13th-century crucifixion in the chapter house, or the 12th-century historiated capitals.

3. See the Notre-Dame-de-France statue

La statue Notre-Dame de France au Puy-en-Velay
The statue of Notre-Dame de France in Le Puy-en-Velay © Gerald Villena - Adobestock

The monumental cast-ironstatue of Notre-Dame-de-France offers a protective, calming presence over the town of Le Puy-en-Velay. Since 1860, the Virgin and Child has dominated the town, offering calm, strength and serenity. For its construction, 213 cannons captured at the Battle of Sebastopol were melted down at the Prénat works in Givors (Rhône). Notre-Dame-de-France isdistinguished by its sober brick-red color and by the fact that the Child is held in his right arm, rather than his left, so that he can bless the city with his right hand without obscuring his mother's face. From its pedestal, the statue offers a unique panoramic view of the cathedral, the city and the region, withan orientation table from its 757-metre height. The ascent, with its interpretive panels, is easily accessible on foot and features rest areas, a fountain, sanitary facilities and a souvenir store.

4. Climb to Rocher Saint-Michel d'Aiguilhe

Rocher Saint-Michel d’Aiguilhe
Rocher Saint-Michel d'Aiguilhe © chromoprisme - Adobestock

Perched on a volcanic peak, this unique monument never fails to impress visitors. It is considered one of the region's must-sees. Reaching the top of this 82-metre-high former volcanic chimney is an emotional experience, a combination of vertigo and serenity. This major Auvergne landmark has been listed as a Monument Historique since 1840, and was voted 4th "Monument préféré des Français" in 2014 and again in 2022. To reach the top, you have to climb 268 steps to the chapel, a jewel of Romanesque art . A new play area also features a 3D virtual tour of the chapel.

5. Starting out on the road to Santiago de Compostela

Jeune femme sur la route de Jacques de Compostelle
Young woman on the road to Santiago de Compostela © Armando Oliveira - Adobestock

The Camino de Santiago de Compostela is an emblematic route for pilgrims from all over the world. If you're passing through Le Puy-en-Velay, why not put yourself in the shoes of a pilgrim and begin the journey? Put on your hiking boots and follow a 6.8-kilometre trail through the town, following in the footsteps of the walkers who set out on the GR65 . You'll discover the cobbled streets, historic monuments and magnificent landscapes that have inspired pilgrims over the centuries. So, don't hesitate any longer and embark on the adventure of the Camino de Santiago de Compostela by first consulting our article: Camino de Santiago de Compostela: 12 tips for success.

6. Going to the Hôtel-Dieu

Statue Notre-Dame de France
Statue of Notre-Dame de France © Pierre Violet - Adobestock

The Hôtel-Dieu, a historic building listed as a Unesco World Heritage Site since 1998, is home toan interactive museum that invites you to discover the cultural and natural wealth of the Haute-Loire region. In the former chapel of the Saint-Esprit, you can explore the region's volcanic history, its rivers, its famous Le Puy green lentil, its world-famous lace, its castles and its pilgrimage routes. Thanks to videos, models, objects and animations, you can enjoy an immersive and entertaining experience. Don't miss a visit to the historic pharmacy upstairs and the vat room.

7. Saint-Joseph de Bon Espoir Shrine and its statue

Le sanctuaire Saint-Joseph de Bon Espoir et sa statue
The Sanctuary of Saint Joseph of Bon Espoir and its statue © sasha64f - Adobestock

The minor basilica of Saint-Joseph-de-Bon-Espoir, consecrated in 2020, is located in Espaly-Saint-Marcel, just outside Le Puy-en-Velay. The shrine features a grotto chapel and a monumental statue of St. Joseph, erected on the foundations of a former fortified castle. The basilica was completed in 1918, while the 22.40 m-high statue of St. Joseph was erected in 1910 and awarded the golden diadem in the name of Pope John XIII in 1961. The basilica is decorated with frescoes and a tapestry depicting the life of Joseph above the altar. This well-known Christian pilgrimage site organizes several processions a year in honor of Saint Joseph. A terrace at the foot of the statue offers a breathtaking view of the Ponot basin and Espaly's organs.

8. Visit the Musée Crozatier

Femme dans un musée
Woman in a museum © KUBE -

The museum comprisestwo distinct sections: one on the garden side, housed in a 19th-century building, and the other on the street side, in a 21st-century concrete and glass construction. The museum tour is divided into four sections. The first gallery presents local collections from prehistory to the Renaissance. The Velay gallery is dedicated to the region's historic pilgrimages and to lace. The Beaux-Arts gallery displays must-see works such as the 15th-century Vierge au manteau, Barthélemy d'Eyck's 15th-century Sainte Famille, and the two famous paintings depicting Vercingétorix facing Caesar.

9. Visit the bobbin lace teaching center

Carreau de dentellière du Puy en Velay
Carreau de dentellière du Puy en Velay © Annelise - Adobestock

Are you passionate about lace? Velay is renowned as the cradle of this art. For over 45 years, the bobbin lace teaching center has been passing on this tradition and helping to preserve an exceptional heritage. Correspondence courses are taken all over the world. On-site, you can discover this art through a variety of courses and initiations. Annual exhibitions of antique and contemporary lace, in silk, cotton or linen, are also on offer.

10. Take a first flight in a microlight helicopter

Vol en ULM
ULM flight © PL.TH - Adobestock

Would you like an unforgettable experience and to discover the region from a new angle? Take your first flight in a microlight helicopter! Come aboard a modern, comfortable two-seater, the DYNALI H3, equipped with a fully glazed cabin offering a 180° view. Take to the skies over the Loire Valley and admire the region's breathtaking scenery. You'll be able to see the Château de Polignac, the medieval city of Le Puy en Velay, the Lac de Saint Front, as well as the Loire Valley's castles steeped in history, such as the Château de Lavoute and the fortress of Polignac. And for nature lovers, you can even see the sources of the Loire and the Gerbier de Jonc mountains. A unique experience not to be missed, which you can book right here !

11. The King of Birds festival

Le Puy-en-Velay
Le Puy-en-Velay © borisb17 - Adobestock

If you're visiting Le Puy-en-Velay after the summer, don't miss the King of the Bird Festival ! During the third week of September, the whole town is decked out in Renaissance garb, and for four days the Fêtes du Roi de l'Oiseau bring the town to life. Organizers strive to give Puy-en-Velay its 16th-century appearance by transforming the town and its inhabitants into a living stage set. Ponots dress up in period costumes and gather in the various camps to feast on a traditional banquet. Shows and entertainment are offered throughout the day to the delight of visitors.

12. Taste the culinary specialties of Le Puy-en-Velay

Petit salé aux lentilles
Salted lentils © Michael Nivelet - Adobestock

Le Puy-en-Velay is renowned for its rich and varied gastronomy. The green Puy lentil is one of its most famous specialties, and benefits from an appellation d'origine contrôlée. It can be enjoyed in a variety of ways, as a salad, soup or meat accompaniment. Velay verbena is another of the region's essential beverages, available as an infusion or liqueur. Finally, let yourself be tempted by delicious local pastries such as tarte à la praline or gâteau de lentilles. You'll find them in the town's many bakeries and patisseries. Cheese lovers will also appreciate Fourme de Montbrison, a blue-veined cheese produced in the region.

Did you know? The Haute-Loire is famous for its untamed nature, its La Chaise-Dieu festival, its route on the pilgrimage route to Santiago de Compostela, its religious past, its lace, its green lentils... and its mushrooms. You can pick them, buy them and, above all, taste them. It's a delightful excuse to venture into the mountain heart of France

13. Walking in the footsteps of writer Robert-Louis Stevenson

Randonner avec un âne
Hiking with a donkey © Julien Leblay - Adobestock

Robert-Louis Stevenson, the famous Scottish writer, is best known for his solo trek across the Cévennes with his donkey "Modestine " in 1878. His 12-day, 220 km journey began in Le Monastier-sur-Gazeille, just 20 km from Le Puy-en-Velay. Today, hiking enthusiasts can follow in the writer's footsteps on the Chemin de Stevenson, also known as the GR70. This long-distance hiking trail traverses magnificent and varied landscapes, from volcanic plateaus to chestnut forests to the Tarn gorges. Following in Stevenson's footsteps, hikers can discover the region's picturesque villages and historic sites, while enjoying a unique and memorable walking experience.

Passionate about hiking? Check out our top 13 hikes in the Auvergne.

14. Visit the Château de Polignac

Le château de Polignac
Château de Polignac © hanthropos - Adobestock

Perched on a volcanic platform surrounded by cliffs, the Forteresse de Polignac offers a breathtaking panorama of the region. This exceptional site, once used as a natural defense system, is now a must-see. A fascinating tour allows visitors to discover the remains of the fortress and learn more about its history. In summer, numerous events and shows are organized here, including the "Les rapaces du donjon" show, not to be missed.

15. Discover La Chaise-Dieu

Cloitre de l'Abbatiale Saint Robert de la Chaise Dieu
Cloister of the Abbatiale Saint Robert de la Chaise Dieu © JBN - Adobestock

Just a 40-minute drive from Le Puy-en-Velay, La Chaise-Dieu is a must-see destination for history and heritage enthusiasts in the Haute-Loire. This commune is home to a Gothic-style abbey church, l'église Saint-Robert, which contains many treasures. These include the 144 14th-century wooden stalls, a true masterpiece of cabinet-making, and the 15th-century danse macabre fresco, 26 meters long and considered the oldest in Europe. Visitors can also admire the 14 16th-century tapestries and the imposing 17th-century organ. For more than 50 years, the Chaise-Dieu festival has been showcasing this exceptional heritage with an annual program of sacred music that attracts some 25,000 enthusiasts.

Where to stay in Le Puy-en-Velay?

Le Puy-en-Velay offers a wide range of accommodation to suit all tastes and budgets. There are numerous hotels in Le Puy-en-Velay, ranging from luxury to budget hotels. The most popular hotels are the Hôtel Bristol and the Hôtel Dyke. For a more authentic and personalized experience, B&Bs are an excellent option. The most popular B&Bs are Maison Sainte-Anne, Villa Saint-Jean and Maison de la Violette.

  • The most intimate: Hotel Dyke

This hotel, named after the rock at Saint-Michel d'Aiguilhe, offers a warm welcome and is always available to answer any questions you may have. Take advantage of the tea room's intimate setting to discover the Maison du Palais des Thés selection of fine teas and delicious pastries made each morning with organic produce. Click here to to book your stay

  • Best suited to family vacations: Appart'hôtel des Capucins

The Appart'hôtel des Capucins features bright, spacious rooms with TV, French windows and balcony, decorated in modern white. Some rooms also include a kitchenette and mezzanine. From the standard room to the family room, from the bed and breakfast to the hotel, this establishment offers you different formulas for stays from one night to several months, which you can book right here !

  • The hotel with the most charm: Hotel de Jerphanion Cambacérès

This magnificent artists' home is located in the heart of the old town, in a beautiful 18th-century residence restored by sculptor Philippe Kaeppelin. You'll be welcomed in a delicately charming suite, filled with imaginary birds and overlooking the garden. Breakfast is served in the blue dining room, listed for its woodwork, or on the terrace in fine weather. A charming stopover that 's definitely worth booking right here!

What to do in Le Puy-en-Velay when it rains?

When it rains in Le Puy-en-Velay, there are plenty of activities to do indoors. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Le Puy-en-Velay is home to several interesting museums, such as the Musée Crozatier, which features art and natural history collections, or the Musée de la Dentelle, which traces the history of this local tradition.
  • Notre-Dame du Puy Cathedral, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is well worth a visit, even on a rainy day. Visitors can admire its impressive architecture, frescoes and mosaics.
  • Le Puy-en-Velay is a renownedspa town. Visitors can enjoy the benefits of thermal water at one of the town's thermal baths.

Family activities in Le Puy-en-Velay

Le Puy-en-Velay is an ideal destination for families looking for an unforgettable vacation. Here are a few things to do with the whole family in this charming town:

  • Visit the statue of Notre-Dame-de-France, the town's emblematic statue offering a breathtaking view of Le Puy-en-Velay and the surrounding area. Children will love climbing the steps to the top.
  • Discover Notre-Dame-du-Puy Cathedral, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a masterpiece of Romanesque art. Children will marvel at the frescoes and mosaics adorning the walls.
  • Strolling through the streets and admiring the cobbled lanes and half-timbered houses of Vieux Puy-en-Velay is a real change of scenery. Children will love getting lost in this maze of picturesque streets.
  • Take aride on Le Puy-en-Velay's tourist train , a fun and entertaining way to discover the city's main sites. Children will be delighted to climb aboard this little train.
  • Visit the Musée Crozatier, an art and history museum with varied collections that will appeal to young and old alike. Children can take part in fun, creative workshops.

For more ideas, see our article What to do in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes? The 19 must-sees.

What are the most beautiful villages to visit around Le Puy-en-Velay?

The Le Puy-en-Velay region is full of picturesque, authentic villages well worth a visit. Here is a selection of the most beautiful villages to visit around Le Puy-en-Velay:

  • Blesle: this medieval village is classified as one of France's Most Beautiful Villages. Located around 30 km from Le Puy-en-Velay, it is renowned for its Benedictine abbey, Romanesque church and cobbled streets.
  • Arlempdes: this village perched on a volcanic rock offers a breathtaking view of the Loire gorges. Located around 40 km from Le Puy-en-Velay, it is famous for its ruined feudal castle and Romanesque church.
  • Pradelles: this medieval village is around 50 km from Le Puy-en-Velay and is classified as one of France's Most Beautiful Medieval Villages. It is renowned for its ramparts, fortified gates and half-timbered houses.
  • Lavaudieu: this village is around 25 km from Le Puy-en-Velay and is classified as one of France's most beautiful villages. It is famous for its Benedictine abbey, Romanesque church and cloister.
  • Chavaniac-Lafayette: this village is about 40 km from Le Puy-en-Velay and is known as the birthplace of the famous General Lafayette. It is famous for its castle, museum and gardens.

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