Taiwan © SeanPavonePhoto - Adobe Stock

A singular destination in East Asia, Taiwan turns out to be very different from the image one might have of it. Beyond the skyscrapers and urban sprawl, the island boasts an exuberant natural environment and an extremely rich cultural heritage. It's not without reason that the Portuguese, on their arrival, christened it Ilha Fromosa (the beautiful island). A land of cultural contrasts, rugged terrain, lush flora and varied gastronomy, the country never ceases to amaze its visitors. Discover our list of the 17 most beautiful places to visit in Taiwan.

1- Taipei

Temple à Taipei - Taiwan
Temple in Taipei © f11photo - Adobe Stock

The country's dynamic capital, Taipei perfectly combines modernity and authenticity, and is one of the 10 best cities in which to expatriate. Extremely well served, its public transport network makes it easy to explore. The city's star attraction: the 101-storey Taipei 101 Tower. At 508m, it was the world's tallest skyscraper until 2010. Its observatory offers an exceptional view of the city. Don't forget to visit the Chiang Kai-shek memorial to the former president. You'll also enjoy strolling through Taipei's night markets, particularly Shilin Market, whose oldest section is packed with restaurants. Discover the best Taipei has to offer with our 13 must-sees.

Another good reason to visit Taipei is that it offers a more authentic and confidential alternative to Seoul.

2- Tainan

Vieille ville de Tainan - Taiwan
Old town of Tainan © BINGJHEN - Adobe Stock

The country's former capital is a must-see in Taiwan. Witness to colonial domination, Tainan is today the symbol of an asserted identity. Stroll through its historic center, the Anping district. You'll come across many ancient temples, including the Temple of the Five Concubines and the Temple of Confucius. Continue on to Fort Zeelandia, a fortress built in the 17th century, and end your stroll in one of the city's many restaurants. Here, you can try oyster omelette, the region's signature dish.

3- Visit Sun Moon Lake

Lac du Soleil et de la Lune - Sun Moon Lake à Taïwan
Sun Moon Lake © BINGJHEN - Adobe Stock

The country's largest body of water, Sun Moon Lake takes its name from its shape: in the east it resembles the moon, in the west the sun. No swimming is permitted, but there are plenty of activities on offer. Sailing, boating, hiking and biking are all enjoyed in the midst of this breathtaking natural landscape. A cable car takes you over the lake to Lalu Island, the smallest island in the country. Once much larger, it was inhabited. The creation of a dam in the 1930s raised the water level and flooded much of the island.

Take advantage of your stay to book a tour of Sun Moon Lake. We recommend this excursion departing from Taipei.

4- Visit Taichung

Rue à Taichung - Taiwan
Street in Taichung © LT - Adobe Stock

Although it is coastal, Taichung means "the center of Taiwan" in Chinese. However, it could also be considered the country's cultural center. Populated for 4,000 years, the city boasts a climate and dynamism much appreciated by the locals, making it a major university town. Visit the National Museum of Natural Sciences and the Taiwan Museum of Art, before enjoying the bustling nightlife Taichung has to offer.

5- Explore Taroko National Park

Gorge au Parc National de Taroko - Taiwan
Gorge in Taroko National Park © fenlio - Adobe Stock

Beauty as far as the eye can see awaits visitors to Taroko National Park. For dozens of kilometers, these gorges are dotted with tunnels, waterfalls and suspension bridges. Hikers will be delighted by the numerous trails along the walls. One of the points of interest is the famous Bayang waterfall. You can also descend into the gorge for swimming, rafting or canoeing.

To make the most of Taroko National Park, we recommend you book this guided tour.

6- Visit Chiufen / Jioufen

Vue sur Jioufen - Taiwan
View of Jioufen © nicholashan - Adobe Stock

Once a thriving mining town, Jioufen is nicknamed "Taiwan's little Shanghai". After the discovery of a nearby gold mine in 1890, the previously little-known village became one of the country's main tourist attractions. A hotbed of culinary culture, the town overlooks the valley and is isolated from the coast by the surrounding hills, offering visitors a breathtaking landscape. Among its culinary specialties are A-Zhu, a peanut ice cream roll, Zhang Ji, fish dumplings traditionally accompanied by Ah Lan, a sticky rice cake.

7- Getting to Lukang / Lugang

Temple Lungshan à Lukang - Taiwan
Longshan Temple in Lukang © Sean Hsu - Adobe Stock

A small town steeped in history, Lukang has retained its authenticity in the face of the country's modernization. Its alleyways, which seem to have emerged straight from the past, have remained intact, giving the town a charm all of its own. Take a stroll through the town and head for the Longshan temple, which is sure to fill you with wonder. Another of the city's attractions, the Taiwan Glass Gallery , displays the impressive works of numerous artists.

8- Alishan National Park

Parc Naturel d'Alishan
Alishan Nature Park © vadim_ozz - Adobe Stock

A must-see destination for travelers in search of nature, theAlishan forest is the ideal place to recharge your batteries. At over 2000m altitude, the park offers a breath of fresh air, far from the heat of the rest of the country. A recreation area welcomes novice hikers, with walkable paths, steps and bridges. For the more experienced hiker, a number of trails pass through the park's points of interest and end at the summit, ideal for enjoying the sunset over one of the world's most beautiful cloud seas.

9- Wulai hot springs

Village de Wutai
Wutai village © atosan - Adobe Stock

The small village of Wulai is famous throughout the country for its pleasant hot springs. Tourists and locals alike come here to bask in the magnificent mountain scenery. A small jewel box of greenery, it's a pleasure to stroll around with the certainty of stumbling upon a waterfall. To learn more about the local people, visit the Wulai Atayal Museum, named after the town's inhabitants.

10- Kenting National Park

Parc National de Kenting
Kenting National Park © BINGJHEN - Adobe Stock

Nature lovers will continue their journey to Kenting National Park, where sandy beaches and lush tropical forests reign supreme. Dive into its crystal-clear waters and observe a rich marine biodiversity of colorful coral reefs. Numerous marked trails take you through the park, offering magnificent panoramic views of the coastline. Walk to the Eluanbi lighthouse, which dominates the landscape and is open to visitors. Surrounded by the sea, the park is a veritable condensation of Taiwan's natural beauty.

11- Visit the ruins of Longteng Bridge

Pont de Longteng - Taiwan
Longteng Bridge © LIU YU SHAN - Adobe Stock

Located to the north of Taichung, the ruins of Longteng Bridge have become a historic site attracting many visitors. This railway bridge, built in 1907, was destroyed by a first earthquake in 1935, and a second in 1999. Only its red arched pillars remain standing. Surrounded by greenery, the site has a tranquil, peaceful atmosphere around the beauty of its ruins.

12- Stroll through the rice fields of Chishang

Vue sur les rizières - Chishang
View of the rice fields - Chishang © 林智遠 - Adobe Stock

Located north of Taitung, Chishang attracts more and more visitors every year. Those who make the journey east don't come to see the city, but for the rice-growing culture, inherited from Japanese colonization. Rent a bike and explore these enchanting landscapes, in a valley surrounded by mountains. You'll find plenty of bike rental outlets in the village. We recommend starting the ride atDapo Pond, then joining the "Paradise Trail" to the river west of Chishang.

13- Explore the Taitung region

Vue sur la côte dans la région de Taitung - Taiwan
View of the coastline in the Taitung region © leochen66 - Adobe Stock

Although Taitung attracts mainly travellers on their way to the Pacific islands, it's well worth stopping off in the region, which is rich in beautiful scenery. Don't miss the Chihpen hot springs, and visit the Beinan archaeological site, a national heritage site. To get out of town and explore the surrounding area, rent a scooter or car and head for the beaches of Dulan and Sanxiantai.

14- Visit the Pacific Islands

Canoës Tao sur l'île de Lanyu
Tao canoes on Lanyu Island © David Lin - Adobe Stock

From Taitung, take a boat to the tropical Pacific Islands: Lanyu Island or Green Island. The latter is infamous for having housed the prisons to which political opponents were sent. Today, it attracts visitors with its magnificent coral reefs, seawater springs and white sandy beaches. Lanyu, also known as Orchid Island, is a volcanic island whose isolation has enabled its people to preserve their rich culture. Visitors to this beautiful landscape can enjoy ritual dances, traditional songs and colorful festivals.

A veritable jewel case of greenery, the Pacific islands are one of our 7 good reasons to visit Taiwan.

15- Go to Kaohsiung

Lac du Lotus - Kaohsiung
Lotus Lake - Kaohsiung © Sean Hsu - Adobe Stock

Formerly known as "Takao", Kaohsiung is Taiwan's second-largest city and a symbol of the island's economic success. Its main attraction is Lotus Lake, on which float bridges, pagodas and brightly-colored pavilions. Don't miss the chance to climb Longevity Mountain for a breathtaking view of the port. Also known as Shoushan, the mountain is covered with forests rich in fauna, through which several excursion paths with views of the coastline wind.

16- Tamsui / Danshui

Port de pêche de Tamsui - Taiwan
Tamsui fishing port © traveltofreedom - Adobe Stock

At the mouth of the river of the same name, Tamsui is a charming port town. Thanks to its advantageous position, it was the country's leading port in the 19th century. After the relocation of its port activities, the town has preserved an important cultural heritage. The narrow streets ofOld Tamsui are lined with traditional stores and offer visitors a charming stroll. Don't miss a visit to Fort San Domingo, the city's historic landmark with a breathtaking view over the river. End the day at the Tamsui night market to sample local specialties.

17- Yehliu Geopark

Geoparc de Yehliu
Yehliu Geopark © Cherish - Adobe Stock

On Taiwan's northern coast, the Yehliu Geopark is a natural spectacle not to be missed. The site features rock formations with unique shapes sculpted by erosion, some of which seem to defy gravity. Marked trails wind around the site, from which walkers can admire panoramic ocean views. In addition to its natural beauty, the park offers interactive exhibits and activities to learn more about the geology of the region.

You can now book a visit to Yehliu Geopark from Taipei.

Why visit Taiwan?

  • For its breathtaking scenery: explore majestic mountains, heavenly beaches and lush national parks such as Taroko andAlishan.
  • For its vibrant culture: discover the country's historic temples and colorful festivals. Visit theNational Palace in Taipei to admire priceless cultural treasures.
  • For its rich gastronomy: stroll through the night markets to sample as many local specialties as you can, such as pork dumplings or the famous bubble teas.
  • For its modern cities: wander the streets of Taipei and climb to the top of Taipei 101 for a breathtaking view of the capital.

How do I get to Taiwan?

  • Check visa requirements: for French nationals, a passport valid for at least another 6 months is sufficient. However, your stay must not exceed 90 days. After that, you'll need to apply for a visa.
  • By plane: it's possible to find direct flights to Taipei from Paris. Some Chinese airlines fly via China, via Beijing, Shanghai or Canton.
  • By boat: there are ferry services between China and Taiwan, departing from Xiamen and Fuzhou.

When is the best time to visit Taiwan?

  • The best time to visit Taiwan is fromOctober to April. Temperatures are mild and rain is less frequent. This is also the season for festivals, such as the Lantern Festival in February.
  • Avoid visiting Taiwan from June to September, as this is the season of typhoons and heavy rain.

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