Results Archaeological site Guiza Plateau


Archaeological site
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Guiza Plateau, Egypt
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Large pyramid with 3 million blocks, adjusted to a current height of 137 m, each block weighing 2.5 tonnes.

Beware, masterpiece of mankind! The largest of the pyramids is said to be an assembly of 3 million blocks, adjusted to a current height of 137 m, as opposed to the original 146 m. Each block weighs an average of 2.5 tonnes, with the largest measuring 0.90 m on each side. They taper to 0.65 m at the top. At its base, the pyramid measures 230 m on each side, with a total surface area of over 5 ha. The 9-metre tip is missing, having been used in the construction of more recent buildings in Cairo, as was the pyramid's limestone facing. Work on the pyramid lasted an estimated thirty years, with a hundred thousand workers taking turns. They worked during the Nile floods, which allowed transport via circular mud-brick ramps. Nothing has been found in the pyramid in modern times, neither mummy nor treasure, apart from a small 7 cm statuette.

The present entrance, built at a later date, lies some fifteen metres below the original access. A long, narrow gully dug by grave robbers leads to a corridor of similar dimensions, which leads to the first burial chamber, 30 m below ground. Another corridor leads to a second burial chamber, known as the Queen's Chamber. Also unfinished, it lies in line with the pyramid.

Although there's not much to see here, it's time to realize that you're in the heart of a mythical monument. A large gallery with a polished, worn floor - over 8 m high and 47 m long, in fact, the most remarkable part of the edifice - leads to the royal chamber, where the open sarcophagus still lies. An efficient ventilation system renews the air inside the room, which is appreciated during busy periods. Above the ceiling, composed of nine granite blocks weighing a total of 400 tonnes, are five relief chambers designed to relieve the phenomenal weight that the burial chamber would have to bear. The total mass of the pyramid represents an approximate weight of 7 million tons!

To the east of the pyramid are the three Princess Pyramids, as well as numerous tombs, most of them belonging to the royal family. To the south, a building housed the solar boat, discovered in the early 1950s, rebuilt (it was in pieces) and in a perfect state of preservation. This beautiful craft was intended to enable the king to navigate celestially to the afterlife. It will be on display at the GEM.

Did you know? This review was written by our professional authors.

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Visited in october 2018
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Site majesteux. Possibilité de prendre une caleche (prix d'Etat 20 LE) ou de prendre un chameau pour s'éloigner du site et faire de magnifique photos su sites.
Visited in december 2018
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Passage obligé en Egypte
Une visite hors du temps ou on ne peut que s'imaginer à l'époque des pharaon! C'est juste impressionnant de se retrouver au pied de cette pyramide et de ne pas pouvoir en voir le sommet tellement celle-ci est haute!
Visited in february 2019
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La fameuse...
De l'extérieur c'est éblouissant. La voir en vrai ainsi que ses 8 autres petites soeurs (et oui il y a 9 pyramides sur le plateau de Gizeh!) c'est inoubliable.
Visiter l'intérieur est sympa également mais moins impressionnant que celle de Dashour curieusement!
Visited in april 2018
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La pyramide de Khéops est accessible sur le plateau de Gizeh, où se trouvent d'autres pyramides du Caire ainsi que le majestueux Sphinx.
Ce monument majestueux est considéré comme la dernière des sept merveilles du monde encore existante.
Sa visite est incontournable lors d'un séjour en Egypte !
Visited in may 2018
Value for money
Ce monument ayant bravé le temps est extraordinaire ! Avec le billet d'entrée du plateau de Gizeh, on dispose d'une vue grandiose. Un billet supplémentaire est nécessaire pour visiter l'intérieur !

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