Results Religious buildings Route Des Pêches


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Route Des Pêches, Benin
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On your road, not to see the Temple of Light, with its two huge elephants forged bronze that keep the entrance. In this Foyer home for the Epirus, there is an atmosphere that leaves puzzling… All its followers are dressed white. They collect children, supposedly streets or destitute, and organise a well-run ritual of reception, imitating tradition but referring instead to a staging designed to satisfy the desire for authenticity of the tourist: you can attend a ceremony vaudoue, see folklore groups and learn some steps of traditional dance, observe a trance… The followers are extremely nice, propose vaudoues initiation of a few hours (know that a true initiation lasts a minimum of one year) and a full tour of the concession, very involved, especially that of the cult hall with its fetishes. No doubt the nights are agitées here. Some people will certainly ask you for money, as soon as the priestess, the mother of Prince X, has his back turned, and the men of alcohol or cigarettes. In short, there is something rotten in the kingdom of King Adjahouto, who lives between Germany and Benin.

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Visited in october 2019
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Sur la route des pêcheurs un grand mur blanc, un portail encadré par deux éléphants, le tout au milieu de nulle part !
Passé le portail on découvre au fond du jardin une grande bâtisse blanche surmontée d'un toit de chaume. On se croirait dans une manade en Camaguey. D'ailleurs il y a un bel étalon qui attend on ne sait quoi.
A l'intérieur de la bâtisse des photos des hôtes de marque, comme le prince Albert de Monaco sont exposées sur les murs autour du trône.
Ici règne une atmosphère étrange, amplifiée par les regards des enfants tout blanc vêtus.

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