Time difference Dublin
One hour less in Ireland than in France! When it is 11 am in Paris, it is 10 am in Dublin.
Opening hours Dublin
To see / To do Dublin
In Dublin, museum opening hours are generally from 10am to 5pm or 6pm every day of the week.
Public holidays in the Republic of Ireland: January1st, March 17th, Easter Monday, May1st, June1st, August1st, last Monday in October, December 25th and 26th, the only mandatory public holiday is December 25th.
Enjoying yourself Dublin
Restaurants generally open every day around 12 noon and close around 10 or 11 pm. The cafes and snack bars that offer the famous Irish Breakfast open their kitchens at 8am.
Take a break Dublin
The pubs are generally open from 10:30 to 23:30 from Monday to Thursday, from 10:30 to 00:30 or 1:00 on Friday and Saturday and 12:00 to 23:00 on Sunday.
(To) please yourself Dublin
Shops are generally open from 9am to 6pm from Monday to Saturday. Department stores are open on Thursdays until 8 or 9 pm. On Sundays, some stores are open from noon to 5 or 6 pm (grocery stores, newsagents, etc.).
Get out Dublin
Nightclubs are generally open from Thursday to Saturday from 10 pm to 2 am, a little earlier on weekdays. For all activities with friends (cinema, billiards, bowling, etc.), the hours vary according to the type of establishment and their location. On weekdays, it closes around 11pm or midnight. The program of the many theaters and theaters can be found on the websites of the establishments.