Time difference Moscow (Москва)
Moscow is 2 hours ahead of French time in winter and 1 hour in summer
Opening hours Moscow (Москва)
To see / To do Moscow (Москва)
There are no uniform rules on the schedules of monuments and museums. Most of them are open on weekends and close on Mondays, and on Tuesdays and Thursdays (for the Kremlin, for example). They usually open at 10 am and close between 4 and 6 pm. Check the timetables on their sites each time.
Information on the dates of festivals organized by the city can be found on the website of the Moscow City Hall: https://moscowseasons.com/en.
Enjoying yourself Moscow (Москва)
Restaurants in Moscow have fairly flexible hours. The kitchen doesn't really close during the day, since people eat there from 12 to 4 pm and from 6 to 11 pm in the evening, or even later since the city is a night owl.
Take a break Moscow (Москва)
Moscow bars open around 6pm (when they are not open all day). On the other hand, they don't close before midnight and often not before sunrise
Happy hour, when it exists, usually takes place between 4pm and 6pm.
There are no days off for bars, so don't worry about them being closed
(To) please yourself Moscow (Москва)
Most shops are open from 10 am to 10 pm, they do not close on weekends in Moscow.
Get out Moscow (Москва)
There are no general rules regarding opening hours: every club, bar, museum and night exhibition does as it pleases.