Discover Djibouti : Sports and leisure

Here, sport as we understand it in Europe is very little practiced. The infrastructures are lacking, they are expensive, and sports activities are simply not part of the local habits. Nevertheless, the endurance qualities of this people of nomadic origin, when exploited, allow the emergence of very good athletes, who excel especially in long-distance races. Otherwise, football is, as everywhere on the continent, the other local passion. Children play in the streets, people wear foreign shirts and get excited about the big international matches. And when you put your bags down in Djibouti, there is plenty to do in terms of sports activities. The coastline allows for fantastic diving trips, especially to meet the mythical whale shark, great fishing sessions and kitesurfing. On land, there is room for hiking and trekking in breathtakingly beautiful landscapes.

Achievements in long-distance running

The various disciplines of long-distance running have long been dominated by "highlanders". In other words, Kenyans, Ethiopians and Eritreans. Djibouti does not have very high plateaus, but high quality athletes are nevertheless born on its soil and excel in the great world marathons. This was especially true in the 1980s, which saw the exploits of Ahmed Saleh Houssein (bronze medal in the marathon at the 1988 Seoul Olympic Games), Robleh Djama, Maohamed Abdi and Abdillahi Charmarké. Today, Djiboutians are more discreet on the world stage, but the recent performances of Ayanleh Souleiman, world champion in the 1,500m indoor (2014) and world record-holder in the 1,000m indoor (2016), have given the country hope. He was also the one who set the world's best 1,500m indoor performance of the year (3'35''39) on February 13, 2018, in Liévin, after his raging4th

place finish at the 2016 Rio Olympics. The main long-distance running event in Djibouti is the Djibouti Half Marathon. Gathering a few hundred participants, it is a very good level race where local athletes and athletes from neighboring countries compete.

Football still very popular

In Djibouti, as in the rest of the world, people play and love football. The national team, the Red Sea Sharks, are a small country and their results are very modest. Since their creation in the early 1980s, they have only participated in a few World Cup qualifiers (2002, 2010, 2014) and two African Cup of Nations qualifiers (2000, 2002, 2010, 2017, 2019, 2021), but have never made it to the final table of a major international competition. However, the locals are still passionate about football, with the English Premier League and Champions League matches the main attraction.

Dakaïto Ryu, art martial djiboutien

Daka  définit le concept familial, un lieu chaleureux
    ïto      définit le concept de la racine, l'origine,
    ryu     définit le concept d'apprentissage,des connaissances, de la culture.

Le Daikato Ryu djiboutien, fondé par Ô Sensei LOOÏTA, est un art martial unique enraciné dans les traditions locales et les influences japonaises. Inspiré des valeurs ancestrales de discipline et de respect, le Daikato Ryu allie des techniques de combat défensif et offensif, mêlant frappes, projections et immobilisations. Cette école d'arts martiaux met l'accent sur l'équilibre entre le corps et l’esprit, ainsi que sur la maîtrise du ki, ou énergie vitale.

Sous la direction de Ô Sensei LOOÏTA, le Daikato Ryu a acquis une réputation solide à Djibouti et dans la région, attirant des pratiquants de divers horizons. Le maître LOOÏTA incarne la transmission des traditions martiales tout en adaptant ses enseignements aux défis contemporains. Son école valorise la rigueur, l'endurance et la quête de l'harmonie intérieure, tout en respectant profondément les racines culturelles djiboutiennes.

Petanque, the tricolour heritage

French heritage, which can be found here as well as in Madagascar or Cambodia, petanque is quite popular among the locals (and expatriates of course). It is not uncommon to see petanque games everywhere in the country. In the evening, when the weather is good, the game is played on the seafront of Tadjourah, or on the roadside in the outskirts of the capital. Competitions are frequently held in which Djiboutians and soldiers participate. The Djibouti Petanque Federation has been part of the International Federation since 1983.

For activities, a coastline of choice

Djibouti's coastline and seabed offer a host of possibilities for visitors. Underwater or on the water, you will find plenty of things to do!

Diving. Djibouti's underwater world is a dream for divers because of the richness and diversity of its corals and its numerous and amazing fauna. Located on the Horn of Africa, the peninsula marks the separation between the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean. A spot of choice, where divers can discover a variety of marine landscapes (on reefs, wrecks, in caves, drifting) still preserved and of exceptional beauty. And observe incredible species, such as the much sought-after whale shark, the largest species of fish known to date, which can be admired with flippers and even in a boat, as it comes to feed near the surface.

Sport fishing. Although the Djiboutians themselves do not fish much, they are willing to let you come and "feel" the big one in their famous waters. Like diving, this expensive activity is promoted by the Ministry of Tourism and many agencies in Djibouti and abroad. Enthusiasts from all over the world come here hoping to catch huge specimens of barracudas, yellow tunas, swordfish, groupers, lutjans, jacks, sharks, liches, emperors... It is at low tide that the best catches are made.

There are many fishing areas by boat (although some try it from the coast). The most prestigious is the Goubet pass, also called the Demon's chasm or the Sharks' pit. It is particularly dangerous because of the currents. The area between Arta and Goubet is the most popular. The closest is Arta, an hour's boat ride from the capital, where the sea bed has a sudden change in level. Fishing with surface lures is the most popular. But surfcasting or fishing with poppers and swimming fish are also practiced.

Kitesurfing. Kitesurfing is becoming more and more popular and attracts beginners as well as professionals, even if the prices remain high. Fabulous landscapes, sunshine all year round, a dream sea, trade winds in winter and a warm wind in summer (khamsin), Djibouti has the ideal conditions for kitesurfing. The most adventurous even dare to do it in the Goubet or the Shark Pit, where it is not uncommon to see a fin!

On land, hiking, trekking and 4x4 excursions

In Djibouti, if the sea attracts its share of sportsmen, the terrestrial landscapes are not in rest with many possibilities of activities in exceptional landscapes.

To walk through the country is to follow in the footsteps of the nomads who have inhabited it for centuries. The walk can be difficult, given the climate. But, well supervised, you will live an exceptional experience: discovery of areas inaccessible by vehicle, night under the stars. The 4x4 can complement or replace the walk.

The Goda Mountains and the Day Forest are the most frequented areas, the easiest to access. From campsites, one or two days trekking is possible, in beautiful green landscapes. But you can also go on more sustained walks, lasting several days, in less frequented places: Lake Abbe, Lake Assal, Moussa Ali, Gagabe, Allols, Balho. Walking only or combined with trips in 4x4. You can also follow the famous salt caravans that leave from Lake Assal. You don't leave at random, of course. Specialized agencies can help you on the spot. It is necessary to book well in advance, before landing in Djibouti. The "Maison des Randonneurs" also organizes every year the ascent of Mount Garbi.
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