Time difference Djibouti

The time in Djibouti is GMT +3. In other words, it is necessary to add 2 hours to the French time in winter and 1 hour in summer.

Opening hours Djibouti

To see / To do Djibouti

As in most Muslim countries, the weekly vacation is Friday. In Djibouti, government offices are open from Sunday to Thursday, from 7am to 1pm and from 2pm to 5pm. In the private sector, work generally runs from Saturday to Thursday, 8am to 12:30pm and 4pm to 7pm. On the whole, life slows down in the hot afternoon hours. Stores are open until midday and from 4pm onwards. Department stores are open every day until 10pm. Some banks open on Saturdays. Currency exchange offices close only on Fridays. During Ramadan, business and administration have adapted opening hours and everything functions more or less normally, with the exception of small restaurants and food stores, which only open at sunset.

Enjoying yourself Djibouti

Restaurants are generally open from 7am-9am to 11pm-00am. During Ramadan, hotel restaurants and some restaurants frequented mainly by foreigners remain open, as do department stores.

Take a break Djibouti

In the mornings and evenings, when the weather is mild, the café terraces are overcrowded. It's a moment you'll want to savor too, at least to soak up the local atmosphere. Bars are generally open until midnight-2am. Opening days vary from one establishment to another.

(To) please yourself Djibouti

The stores are open every day from 7am to 12:30pm and from 4pm to 6pm to 7pm, on Fridays some remain open, especially in the afternoon. Large stores such as Géant Casino, Casino, Al Gamil are open every day until 10pm. During the Ramadan period, the opening hours are adapted and the shopping streets become livelier especially at the end of the day. An atmosphere that we like.

Get out Djibouti

Most of the clubs and discotheques can be found on Rue d'Ethiopie, the heart of Djibouti's nightlife, and in its perpendicular streets. Unfortunately, most of these establishments suffered from the health crisis of 2020-2021, and some were forced to close down. However, the legendary bars (La Chaumière, Le Palmier en Zinc), much frequented by expatriates, are still part of the nightlife scene, not to mention a few prestigious establishments that have sprung up, such as Vogue, a gourmet bar and restaurant on rue de Venice. Thursday and Friday evenings are at their liveliest.