The museum is worth a visit just for the beauty of its setting. Located in the heart of the Parc de la Perle, it is housed in the superb Villa Bartholoni, built in 1830. In brightly lit rooms with a superb view of the lake, a wide range of scientific objects dating from the 17th to 19th centuries are on display. They come from the cabinets of Geneva's scientists such as Saussure, Pictet de La Rive, Colladon, etc. We can admire some masterpieces: the famous astrolabe, dating back to the ancient Greeks, an instrument used by Arab astronomers and astrologers between the 8th and 16th centuries. It was used to measure time, to determine the length of the day, to take topographic readings or the height of the stars. This instrument was particularly important for navigators. It was used to measure the exact latitude where one is, thanks to the angle formed by the horizon and the height of the stars, and gave the local time during the day and night. The museum's collection also includes an armillary sphere, one of the oldest instruments designed to represent the universe, one of the first microscopes to study living aquatic creatures, the astronomical regulator that equipped the first observatory in Geneva, the famous barometer that Saussure took with him on his ascent of Mont Blanc, the first instrument to reproduce the aurora borealis, and many other fascinating instruments that retrace the evolution of science.
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The museum is very interactive and the temporary exhibitions are always very up to our times.
Strongly recommend for children and adults. Plan a minimum of one hour and choose a theme before going as it can be very overwhelming.
Combine the visit with a walk near the lake or a sunbathing afternoon in the park nearby.
Sinon, très bel emplacement du musée et l'exposition temporaire est bien actuellement, bien que bondée par les familles venus pour les dinosaures.