Back to plant data sheet DAVID DOBRE VODE BEACH AND HOTEL



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Visited in september 2023
Miejsce w pięknej okolicy prawie na cyplu ma się wrażenie że pływa się w morzu
Visited in september 2023
Sve najgore o ovom mestu. Najgore iskustvo ikada. Dosli smo suprug i ja sa 2 male dece, toalet neociscen i smrdljiv. Podovi kreveti sve lepljivo. Kuhinja ne postoji, tj ima 3 case, 2 kasike i 2 viljuske. Reso, sporet ne postoji. Bracni krevet nije bracni vec spojena 2 mala kreveta sa rupom u sredini. Kanta za djubre ne postoji u smestaju. Na recepciji nepristojni i bezobrazni. Lupaju flasama o zidove i o serpe i namerno prave buku gledajuci u mene, tj jedna devojka. Nocu u spavacoj sobi jako bucan zvuk iz apartmana iznad ili ispod, da li je klima ili neke njihove masine ko ce ga znati, uglavnom nocu ne moze da se odmori. Bebu mi bude po 5x nocu. Tv jako mali bez kanala. Za 20e manje, placala sam nov smestaj u Susnju jedan stan bukvalno, precisto, preuredno, prelepo, gazdarica za svaku pohvalu. Ovde ne znam ni da li postoji ista lepo.
Visited in september 2023
Nismo zadovoljni.
Visited in august 2023
Worst service from any hotel I’ve ever been to. The first night I had no AC in my room and no electricity. The 2nd night I had no hot water and the bathtub was clogged. When I needed more towels the owner said “you need a towel? Here use my shirt.” We requested a refund and they denied us. I wouldn’t recommend my worst enemy to stay here.
Visited in august 2023
Fatalne miejsce. Należy trzymać się od tego miejsca z daleka. Pomimo dużo wcześniejszej rezerwacji, po dotarciu na miejsce okazało się, że nie było dla nas (podróżowałem z żoną) pokoju ani miejsca parkingowego. Ostatecznie na jedną noc otrzymaliśmy pokój zgodny z naszymi oczekiwaniami. Następnego dnia próbowano przenieść nas najpierw do pokoju z aneksem kuchennym, choć go nie potrzebowaliśmy, za to z dudniącym za oknem, pordzewialym klimatyzatorem, z którego woda lała się na taras. Następnie zupełnie do innego obiektu oddalonego o jakieś 300 m. i standardzie, o którym lepiej nie wspominać. Ostatecznie szef tego bajzlu stwierdził, że jesteśmy zbyt roszczeniowi i nie wiadomo czego spodziewaliśmy za pieniądze, które zapłaciliśmy. Po wyjaśnieniu mu, że standardu jaki oferował w ofercie opuściliśmy a właściwie zostaliśmy usunięci z obiektu.
Visited in august 2023
Aparthotel David is hazardous for your health and safety. Stay away!
Every thing in this place is broken or missing.

Rooms are of low or no standard, parking is tragic not mentioning the breakfast - due to stomach virus we didn’t dare to try.
Visited in august 2023
Eine reine Katastrophe! Ich war an vielen Orten der Welt aber sowas ist mir noch nie untergekommen! Keine Privatsphäre, Dreckig, Laut, nicht den Bildern entsprechen, Pool schimmelig, Dusche so rutschig das mein Kind gleich mal sich mega weh getan hat, der gebuchte Meerblick war ein kleiner teil aus der bucht auf der anderen seite ein Balkon 1 Meter neben uns, wenn man den Betreiber drauf anspricht kommt er mit 100 Ausreden!!!! Wir haben nach der ersten Nacht das Hotel verlassen 1280 bezahlt für 2 Zimmer und trotz Mängel nur 600 zurück bekommen. Ich hätte es keine weitere Nacht ausgehalten. Alles in allem würde ich das Hotel niemandem empfehlen!
Visited in august 2023
Mesto je ok ali sam razocarana sto kao stalni gost koji dolazi cesto moram da platim lezaljku na bazenu i to pola sata pre nego sto prestanu da naplacuju lezaljke. 10e za lezaljku na pola sata ne zasluzuje 5* ali neka ostane ocena.
Visited in august 2023
Ako planirate letovanje u Dobrim Vodama, u sirokom luku zaobidjite David apartmane. Staro, ofucano i jako prljavo, uz dodatak drskosti i bezobrazluka gospodje gazdarice.
Visited in july 2023
Soba nova lux opremljena. Dva restorana, na plazi,bazen sa morskom vodom, osoblje ljubazno. Sve preporuke za letovanje u apartmanima David. Jedno prelepo letovanje. Sve preporuke.
Visited in july 2023
There was not one socket in the room, only one by cooking area. Rooms were ok. Beach we did not like in front of hotel. Pool was dirty. Staff was ok
Visited in july 2023
Moglo bi se zaista mnogo toga napisati ali nista pozitivno u vezi Apartmana David . Poceo bi od toga da je osoblje katastrofalno i neljubazno . Bili smo nazalost 5 nocenja u apartmanima i za 5 dana niko nije dosao da promjeni makar posteljinu i zamjeni peskire . Sobe ( AKO SE UOPCE MOGU NAZVATI SOBAMA ) su u uzasnom stanju , vrata se jedva otvore i zatvore od sobe , u sobama je vlaga a o kupatilu da ne pricam toliko je malo da se jedva istusiras posle dolazska sa plaze ! Ni najgorem neprijatelju nebi preporcuio odlazak u David Apartmane jer su i vlasnici prevaranti i gledaju samo kako da vam uzmu novac da vam za taj novac ponude najgore mogucu uslugu !!! KO GOD SE ODLUCI IC U DOBRE VODE NEKA SAMO STO DALJE OD DAVID APARTAMAN JER IMA MNOGO LJEPSI I UZ TO JEFTINIJI SMJESTAJA KRAJ SAME PLAZE ( Provjereno ) !!
Visited in july 2023
Bili smo gosti u baru kraj bazena. Svaki put nas je docekala dobra atmosfera, ljubazna ekipa. Od nas preporuka.
Visited in november 2022
Hotel super. Położenie najlepsze z możliwych. Pokòj mały ale czysty z klimatyzacją
Visited in september 2022
Расположение отеля прекрасное, до моря меньше 20метров, но ступеньки. В отеле wifi , телевизор, сейф в номере, горячая вода 24часа, лифт, кондиционер, вид на море
Visited in september 2022
Jako prljavo i neuredno, gazda bahat i bezobrazan. NE PREPORUCUJEM
Visited in september 2022
Fena degil
Visited in august 2022
Odlična lokacija,apartmani su prostrani i lepo opremljeni,higijena je na zavidnom nivou.
Visited in august 2022
Great place with very polite staff ????
Visited in august 2022
Restaurant à fuir ! Je suis venu avec ma famille déjeuné dans ce restaurant.
Les plats sont servi 1h après notre commande… le propriétaire David Knezevic s’est montré très agressif au moment de payer l’addition car il voulait absolument que je paye en cash mais je n’avais que ma carte. Il a eu des propos déplacé devant mes enfants, un homme très peu civilisé.
Si vous voulez passé un bon moment passez votre chemin !
Visited in august 2022
We had a lunch with the whole family in their .Service was quite rude from the beginning but that’s understandable as English is not their first language ,half of the food we ordered was cold ,also not the biggest problem that we have faced.Whenever we asked for a bill the waiter told us that we can’t pay with the card .As I just asked why is that ,he started to swear in the local language and joke around with other stuff showing fingers at us .Just to make sure when we started to order nobody has told us it’s cash only .Also it is not written anywhere as the “owner” of the place shouted at me and my family that had two little kids just near by .After the waiter finished with his swearings the “owner” came up to me ,he sayed that for this kind of talking I will get beaten up ,and he came very close to me and tryed to grab aggressively my credit card from my hand ,Also shouted that nobody will leave and someone has to leave our documents with them and go grab the cash .As I asked him to relax he sayed that he is the owner of the place and he acts how he wants in his place.Obviously we went to ATM to take some cash out and payed the bill as we didn’t had any intentions not to but if you are not willing to participate in the criminal activity that this place is on I would hardly recommend you to skip this place .
Visited in august 2022
Odlično osoblje i hrana
Visited in august 2022
We eat in David restaurant. Food is not good.
Visited in august 2022
Pot spune ca nu a fost tocmai o experiență destul de plăcut. Am plătit o camera cu vedere la mare (expre pentru vedere) și am primit o camera la partenere vezi 2m de mare în fata , în rest vezi un acoperiș și niște copaci . Am cerut sa îmi schimbe camera ca nu era tocmai cea mai buna a spus ca nu se poate , asa ca a trebuit sa ma mulțumesc cu vederea "partiala" la mare . Camerele nu sunt tocmai cele mai curate , în camera nu vine sa iti facă curat . Draperii la geam nu ai decât cele de noapte , perdeaua lipsește, dacă vrei sa fie lumina în camera trebuie sa te mulțumești și cu oamenii ce trec pe lângă geamul tău și se uita la tine . Parcarea ii una foarte mica la câte mașini sunt . Pe lângă ca o plătești, te mai blochează și alții și nu poți ieși. În baie faianța era murdara , prosoapele nu le schimba nimeni și gel de dus , șampon,nu sunt de găsit. Cu siguranță nu voi reveni la aceasta proprietate.
Visited in august 2022
Imali smo polupansion u vili David. Doručak švedski sto a večera porcije. Švedski sto korektan, kačkavalj, šunka, jaja kuvana i pržena, viršle itd... Večera uvek supa, meso, krompir ili povrće uz salatu i voćku. Porcije nisu velike ali dovoljne. 7 dana smo jeli i zadovoljni smo. Možda još malo raznovrsnosti u doručku ali sve je to ok. Zadovoljni smo.
Visited in august 2022
Заиста позитивно искуство,за сваку препоруку. Као мана може се навести само врло узан паркинг.
Visited in august 2022


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Carte de l'emplacement de l'établissement
Obala Veliki Pijesak, Bar (Бар), Montenegro Show on map
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