This company connects Jersey and Guernsey almost daily all year round and Guernsey to Jersey and Alderney several times a day; it also serves many British cities (London, Manchester, Bristol, Southampton...) and European cities (Malaga, Barcelona, Prague...). For inter-island flights, the company's aircraft are mainly small 14-seater Britten Norman Trislanders. Beware, strong sensations guaranteed! But don't worry, the pilots are really very professional...
Did you know? This review was written by our professional authors.
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Members' reviews on AURIGNY AIR SERVICES
1 reviews
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Visited in june 2018
Value for money
Sport in general
Excellente petite compagnie régionale pour relier la France et l'Angleterre aux iles anglo-normandes. Tarifs très raisonnables, les vols "internationaux" sont surtout effectués maintenant avec des ATR. Très intéressant vers le Royaume-Uni en lieu et place du bateau. Depuis la France, les traversées maritimes sont rapides et donc plus intéressantes.
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