What to see and do in Fez Top 13 must-sees © Torval Mork - Adobe Stock

Welcome to Fez, one of Morocco's most fascinating and historic cities. Whether you're a history buff, a crafts enthusiast or simply a curious traveler, Fès has something to offer everyone. Discover its winding streets, iconic monuments and bustling souks. In this article, we present the 13 must-sees of Fez, from cultural treasures and historical sites to the best local experiences. Get ready to explore this unique city, where every street corner tells a thousand-year-old story. Follow our handy guide to make sure you don't miss a thing of this exceptional destination.

1- The Medina of Fez

Médina de Fès
Fès Medina © Bilbo06 - Adobe Stock

Explore the Medina of Fez, one of UNESCO's World Heritage sites. As you wander through this labyrinth of narrow streets, you'll discover hidden treasures at every corner. Start your visit at the famous Bab Boujloud gate, then lose yourself in the lively souks where craftsmen and merchants display their wares. Don't forget to visit the Bou Inania medersa, an architectural masterpiece. Every alley offers a new adventure, from Chouara tanneries to traditional stalls. The Medina is the beating heart of Fez, an immersive experience in Moroccan culture and history. Book your guided guided tour of the Medina of Fez !

2- The Quaraouiyne Mosque

mosquée Karaouiyne
karaouiyne Mosque © imagoDens - Adobe Stock

Visit the Quaraouiyne Mosque, founded in 859, one of the oldest universities in the world. Located in the heart of the Fès medina, this mosque is a masterpiece. Stroll around its 270 columns and be impressed by its rich history. Use this visit as a starting point for exploring the medina's other treasures. The Karaouiyne mosque remains an essential symbol of Fès' spiritual and cultural heritage.

3- The medersas

Madrasa Bou Inania
Madrasa Bou Inania © saiko3p - Adobe Stock

Don't miss the medersas of Fès, veritable jewels of Islamic architecture. Start with the Bou Inania medersa, the only one with a minaret, with its magnificent colorful details symbolizing fertility, innocence and hope. Next door, the Attarine medersa will amaze you with its refined mosaics. Each medersa offers an insight into the history and culture of Fez, combining education and spirituality. Stroll through these ancient Koranic learning centers and admire the elegance of their decoration.

4- Chouara tanneries

chouara tanneries © Wirestock Creators - Adobe Stock

Discover the Chouara tanneries, one of Fès' most emblematic sites. A visit to these tanneries, which have been in operation since the Middle Ages, plunges you into the fascinating history of leather craftsmanship. From the surrounding terraces, watch artisans dye hides in colorful vats, a unique visual experience. Don't forget to bring a bouquet of mint to dampen the strong smells, especially in summer. The Chouara tanneries are not only a visual spectacle, but also an immersion in traditional Fès know-how.

5- The Bab Boujloud Gate (Blue Gate)

Bab Boujloud
Bab Boujloud © panithi33 - Adobe Stock

Enter the medina of Fès through the magnificent Bab Boujloud gate, known as the Porte Bleue. This emblematic gate, adorned with magnificent blue mosaics on the outside and green on the inside, is the ideal starting point for exploring the old town. Admire its majestic arches and decorative ceramic details. Once past Bab Boujloud, you're immediately immersed in the bustle of the souks and the cultural richness of the medina. Use this door as your main landmark to navigate the maze of alleyways. Bab Boujloud is not only a spectacular entrance, but also a historical and cultural symbol of Fès.

6- The Royal Palace of Fez (Dar El Makhzen)

palais royal de Fès
fès Royal Palace © Gévi - Adobe Stock

Visit the majestic Royal Palace of Fez, also known as Dar El Makhzen. Built in the 14th century, this palace is one of the oldest and most important in Morocco. Although visits are not permitted, you can admire its huge bronze doors and magnificent ceramic tiles from the outside. Located near the Mellah district, the palace covers 80 hectares and its monumental gates make it a sight not to be missed. Use this visit to better understand the history and grandeur of the Moroccan monarchy.

7- Seffarine Square

La place Seffarine
Place Seffarine © olenatur - Adobe Stock

Immerse yourself in the authentic atmosphere of Place Seffarine, the beating heart of Fès craftsmanship. Here, copper craftsmen work tirelessly to create magnificent objects such as teapots, trays and incense burners. Stroll through the stalls and watch these copper masters hammer and shape their creations with precision and passion.Use your visit to Seffarine to discover the traditional crafts of Fez and to take home a piece of this historic city. Place Seffarine is a must-see for anyone wishing to immerse themselves in Moroccan craftsmanship.

8- The Nejjarrine Museum of Wooden Arts and Crafts

Famille au musée
Family at the museum © Monkey Business - Adobe Stock

Discover the Musée Nejjarrine des Arts et Métiers du Bois, a jewel nestled in the heart of the Fès medina. Housed in a restored old foundouk, this three-storey museum displays an impressive collection of finely crafted wooden objects, from furniture to musical instruments. Stroll through the exhibits and marvel at the richness and diversity of Moroccan craftsmanship. Don't miss the rooftop terrace, with its breathtaking views over the medina. Use this visit to deepen your understanding of Fez's traditional crafts and cultural heritage.

9- The Mellah district

quartier du Mellah
mellah district © Andrea Aigner - Adobe Stock

Explore the Mellah district, the ancient Jewish quarter of Fez, rich in history and culture. Stroll through its narrow streets and admire the houses with wooden balconies, testimony to the unique architecture of the region. Visit the Aben Danan synagogue, one of the oldest in Morocco, and learn about the fascinating history of Fez's Jewish community. Use this visit to understand the historical and cultural importance of the Mellah.

10- The Mausoleum of Moulay Idriss II

mausolée de Moulay Idriss II
mausoleum of Moulay Idriss II © Julian - Adobe Stock

Visit the Mausoleum of Moulay Idriss II, one of the holiest sites in Fez and an important pilgrimage site. Located in the heart of the medina, this mausoleum houses the tomb of the city's founder, Moulay Idriss II. You can admire the impressive architecture and decorative details of this building from the outside, or inside if you're Muslim. Use this visit to feel the spirituality and historical significance of this place. The mausoleum is surrounded by lively alleyways and souks, adding a vibrant dimension to your experience.

11- The souks of Fez

souks de Fès
fès souks © Olena Zn - Adobe Stock

Immerse yourself in the hustle and bustle of the souks of Fez, where each alley reveals a new treasure. Start with the souk el Henna, famous for its traditional beauty products and natural remedies. Then head to the Attarine souk, renowned for its aromatic spices and medicinal herbs. Don't miss the Dyers' Souk, where colorful fabrics dry in the sun, creating a striking visual spectacle. Take advantage of your visit to bargain for unique souvenirs, such as pottery, jewelry and handcrafted textiles. Use this exploration of the souks to immerse yourself in local culture and traditional craftsmanship.

12- Borj Nord

Borj Nord
Borj Nord © peacefoo - Adobe Stock

Explore Borj Nord, a historic fortress overlooking Fès, offering spectacular panoramic views of the medina. Built in the 16th century by the Saadian sultan Ahmed al-Mansour, this bastion was used to protect the city and keep an eye on enemy movements. Today, Borj Nord houses a fascinating military museum where you can discover an impressive collection of weapons and armor dating from the Middle Ages to the modern era. Stroll through the exhibits to learn more about Morocco's military history. Use this visit to appreciate both the rich history and breathtaking scenery of Fez.

13- The Merinid tombs

 Les tombeaux des Mérinide
The Merinid tombs © tobago77 - Adobe Stock

Discover the Merinid tombs, perched on a hill with a breathtaking view of the Fès medina. Built in the 14th century, these royal mausoleums house the remains of the Marinid dynasty, which ruled Morocco for several centuries. As you climb the winding stairs to the top, you'll be rewarded with a spectacular panoramic view. Use this tour to immerse yourself in the royal history of Fez while enjoying a quiet moment away from the hustle and bustle of the medina. The Merinid tombs are a place of reflection and historical beauty, a must-see for all visitors to Fès.

Fès is also one of the 15 destinations to go to in 2024 for a cheap vacation, and you'll also love reading our 13 must-sees in Rabat!

Here you'll find the most popular activities in Fez at the moment:

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What to do in Fez in 3 days

Day 1: Explore the Medina

  • Morning: Start at the Porte Bab Boujloud (Blue Gate), the main entrance to the medina. From here, head for the Médersa Bou Inania, a former Koranic school with impressive architectural details.
  • Noon: Visit the Karaouiyne Mosque and its university, the oldest in the Muslim world. Although the entrance is reserved for Muslims, you can admire the exterior.
  • Afternoon: Immerse yourself in the souks of the medina. Don't miss the souk des teinturiers, where colorful fabrics create a unique visual spectacle. End your day at Place Seffarine, famous for its copper craftsmen.

Day 2: Heritage and culture

  • Morning: Visit the Chouara Tanneries to observe the traditional leather-dyeing process. A must-see to understand local craftsmanship.
  • Noon: Explore the Musée Nejjarine des Arts et Métiers du Bois, housed in a restored former foundouk, featuring a collection of beautifully crafted wooden objects.
  • Afternoon: Stroll through the Mellah district, the old Jewish quarter of Fez, and visit the Aben Danan synagogue. End your day at the Jnan Sbil Gardens, a peaceful place to relax.

Day 3: Panoramic views and history

  • Morning: Visit the Royal Palace of Fez. Although not open to the public, the monumental gates are well worth a visit. Then head for the Borj Nord, a fortress with panoramic views over the medina and a military museum.
  • Noon: Climb to the Merinid Tombs for a breathtaking view of Fez and the surrounding area. This historic site offers a unique perspective on the city.
  • Afternoon: If you have time, take a trip to Volubilis or Meknes to discover more of Morocco's heritage.

What to do in Fez when it rains?

Visit the Musée Nejjarine des Arts et Métiers du Bois:

  • This museum houses an impressive collection of finely crafted wooden objects. You can discover traditional Moroccan craftsmanship through exhibits spread over three floors.

Explore the Glaoui Palace or Kasbah:

  • Built in the early 19th century, this palace served as the residence of a Marrakech pasha. Although partially abandoned, it has now been rehabilitated by an artist who displays his work here, adding a unique artistic dimension to your visit.

Stroll through the fondouks:

  • The fondouks, once caravanserais, have now been transformed into craft workshops and commercial spaces. They are ideal for discovering local craftsmanship sheltered from the elements. Of particular interest are the Fondouk Bou Selham and the Fondouk Kaat Smen.