La Loire à vélo
The Loire by bike © nathalie stefanelli - Adobe Stock

Cycling is certainly one of the best ways to discover Maine-et-Loire, since you'll have access to its wildest landscapes, its hidden heritage, and be able to pedal along one of Europe's most beautiful rivers: the Loire. We've put together a selection of 11 cycling tours in Maine-et-Loire.

1. The Vélo Francette

Le château et la Maine traversant la ville d'Angers en Anjou.
Angers castle © Thierry RYO - Adobestock
  • Distance: 600 km
  • Duration: 7 to 10 days
  • Itinerary

The Vélo Francette is one of France's most popular long-distance cycle routes. It stretches 600 km between Ouistreham, on the Channel coast, and La Rochelle, on the Atlantic coast. Along the way, the Vélo Francette passes through Maine-et-Loire, and Angers in particular. While it takes more than a week to complete this itinerary, you can also choose to do only a fraction of it, depending on the distance you wish to cover. So you can pedal along the Vélo Francette for a few hours or a weekend, especially as the section through Maine-et-Loire is one of the flattest on the whole route, and even includes quite a bit of downhill.

2. La Vélobuissonnière

Vue sur Saumur
View of Saumur © Freesurf- Adobestock
  • Distance: 240 km
  • Duration: 4 to 8 days
  • Itinerary

The Vélobuissionnière is another multi-day bike tour in Maine-et-Loire. It stretches between Saumur and Alençon, in the Orne region. But once again, you can choose to do only part of this route, for example, over the course of a day. Especially as the section of the Vélobuissionnière that stretches across Maine-et-Loire, mainly in the Saumur region, is the flattest of the whole itinerary. If you choose to do the full circuit, please see our article on preparing your first cycling trip.

3. The Loir-et-Loire loop

Le château de Saumur,
Saumur castle © photlook - Adobestock
  • Distance: 200 km
  • Duration: 3 to 7 days
  • Itinerary

One of the most beautiful bike rides in Maine-et-Loire, this itinerary forms a loop, so you can take it from Angers, Saumur or La Flèche. The itinerary is perfectly signposted, following in turn the routes of the Vélo Francette, the Vélobuissonnière and the Loire à Vélo. Along the way, it passes through some superb natural areas, including wetlands typical of the Loire basin, some of which have been classified Natura 2000. As you pass through these protected areas, you'll be encouraged to limit your ecological impact.

4. The Baugeois manor houses and countryside cycling loop

Balade à vélo
Bike tour © stockphoto-graf - Adobe Stock

This itinerary takes you through the Baugeois countryside, discovering its historical and natural heritage. Most of the route is on a "voie verte" (greenway), which allows you to discover the pleasures of the countryside, so the itinerary is not shared with cars. The start and finish point is just south of Baugé-en-Anjou, a beautiful historic commune in the north-east of Maine-et-Loire, which you can visit on the way. This is an excellent cycling itinerary for families, as it's fairly easy and relatively short.

5. La Loire à Vélo (EuroVelo 6)

La Loire à vélo, piste cyclable du vélotourisme en France
The Loire à Vélo, France's leading cycle tourism route © anecaroline - Adobe Stock
  • Distance: 630 km
  • Duration: 7 to 20 days
  • Itinerary

The Loire à Vélo is not only one of the best bike rides in Maine-et-Loire, it's also one of the most beautiful bike routes in France. It follows the course of France's longest and perhaps most beautiful river, the Loire. The route stretches from the river's mouth in the Atlantic to Nevers, passing through the département and Angers in particular. You can dedicate a whole vacation to it, or just part of it, depending on how much time you can spare. To help you plan your trip, read our full article on the Loire à Vélo.

6. The Ports de Loire loop

Église abbatiale de Saint-Florent-le-Viei
Saint-Florent-le-Vieil abbey church © Didier San Martin - Adobe Stock
  • Distance: 28 km
  • Duration : 1 h 30
  • Itinerary

This is one of the most beautiful bike rides in Maine-et-Loire between Angers and Nantes. More precisely, this circuit runs between Montjean-sur-Loire and Saint-Florent-le-Vieil, famous for its abbey church, which is one of the best things to visit in Maine-et-Loire. The route is almost exclusively flat, following the course of the Loire from one bank to the other, making it ideal for a leisurely stroll with children or beginners.

7. The côte saumuroise loop

L'un des plus beau village de France : Montsoreau dans le Maine et Loire
One of France's most beautiful villages: Montsoreau in Maine et Loire © Florian Fortier - Adobe Stock

This itinerary borders on the Pays de la Loire region, very close to the Centre-Val de Loire. Starting in Saumur, it forms a loop along the south bank of the river. Along the way, you'll pass through some superb vineyards and pretty villages, such as Montsoreau, listed as one of France's most beautiful villages. A stop in the village is a must to admire the château. Along the way, you'll be able to see other famous Loire châteaux, as well as enjoying a wine tasting in the heart of one of France's top wine-tourism destinations.

8. The Authion by bike

Groupe d'amis à vélo
Group of friends on bikes © Pajaros Volando - Adobe Stock

The Loire isn't the only river in Maine-et-Loire. There are other very pleasant cycle paths that branch off from its course to explore the surrounding countryside. Such is the case with this one, which follows the towpath of another river: the Authion. You'll pass through natural and agricultural landscapes, between farms, fields and fishermen quietly settled on the banks of the river. Once again, this is a flat route with no particular difficulties. It starts in Saumur.

9. The Segré greenway

Famille à vélo
Family on bikes © WavebreakMediaMicro - Adobe Stock
  • Distance: 23 km
  • Duration: 1 h 45 min
  • Itinerary

This route is divided in half between Maine-et-Loire and Mayenne. It starts in Segré, in Anjou, and heads towards the commune of Château-Gontier-sur-Mayenne. This is a very pretty little town, where you can stop off before heading back in the opposite direction. The town is also home to one of the most unusual places in France: the country's largest calf market! The Segré greenway has no particular difficulties, and is mainly flat and well-marked, as it partly follows the route of the Vélo Francette.

10. The Parçay-les-Pins cycling loop

Famille à vélo
Family cycling © Monkey Business- Adobestock

Once again, this itinerary extends a little beyond the boundaries of Maine-et-Loire, as it also crosses part of Indre-et-Loire. It's an easy route, ideal for summer, as it passes through the Graine de Sapin woods, and is therefore mainly in the shade of trees. It starts in Parçay-les-Pins, in the Baugeois region, and explores pretty forest trails, looping back to the starting point. Don't forget to pack a picnic lunch for a break in the shade of the pines. You'll also pass close by Lac des Mousseaux.

11. Loop between Loire and Aubance

La Loire à vélo
La Loire à vélo © nathalie stefanelli - Adobe Stock
  • Distance: 50 km
  • Duration : 3 h 30
  • Itinerary

Along both banks of the Loire, you'll find one of the most beautiful bike rides in Maine-et-Loire. You'll cycle along the banks of the Loire and its various branches and tributaries, as this walk takes place at a point on the river where it binds and unbinds. The official start and finish point is at La Daguenière, a small village in the center of the département, but as this is a loop itinerary, you can take it anywhere along the way. You'll pass through many vineyards, where you can stop for a wine tasting - a must-do in the Pays de la Loire region.