In the Jura Massif Jurassien destination, the city of POLIGNY, capital of the County, is a must. Its architectural heritage is rich in abundance. The church of the Jacobins (XIIIth) with its vicissitudes related to its history and to History, had remained abandoned. This situation is mainly linked to the cost of renovation, amounting to several million euros. Under the impetus of local associations linked to heritage and a will of the Municipality, after twelve years of work this building has just found its splendor. This jewel of Franche-Comté religious architecture is now open to the public. All the craftsmen who succeeded one another for its renovation have made it possible to revive in a remarkable way its former splendor. As for the history of this historical place, a docu-drama "A Dieu plaisent les Jacobins" written by Annie Gay and directed by Dominique Debaralle can be seen on YouTube, in pictures you will discover the history of the Jacobins of Poligny but also a slice of that of the Franche-Comté. From now on, life will resume in this exceptional setting.