Nature and ornithology

Highlights of the trip

Culture / Heritage
Faune and flora
Adventure / Sports & Leisure

During your stay you can enjoy the following highlights: Culture / Heritage, Faune and flora, Discovery, Adventure / Sports & Leisure.

Best times to go


The best time(s) to go is/are : Eté, Automne, Hiver.

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Petit Futé

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Where to stay in : Cayenne ?

The map of your stay "Nature and ornithology"

Detail of the stay : Nature and ornithology

  • Cayenne
  • Roura
  • Kaw
  • Kaw
  • Kaw
  • Kaw
  • Régina
  • Régina
  • Régina

How to get there - Cayenne

Departure and arrival

Habitation créole, Roura.

Steps: Cayenne

Departure from Paris, arrival in Cayenne in the afternoon. Departure to join the gîte. Briefing, projection of a short and illustrated presentation on birds and wildlife in French Guiana.

Roosters of Rock

Village de Kaw.

Steps: Kaw

Departure from Roura for the path of the orange rock roosters. Walk of about 20 minutes to reach the observation site. It will be necessary to be patient to try to observe the spectacular parades of the males. Walk back to the trail and take a minibus to reach another trail. Admiring the beautiful waterfalls, the rest of the day will be devoted to bird watching at the different viewpoints of the Kaw road and at the lodge.

Some local species to observe : tinamous, king sarcoramphe, great urubu, fierce harpy, little hawk, swallow-tailed kite, white hawk, red-throated caracara, bat hawk, carnifex, hocco alector, marail penelope, trumpeter agami, parrots (macaws, Toui para, maipouri caique, blue-headed pione and versicolored conure), squirrel piaye and small piaye, engoulevents, swifts, hummingbirds, long-tailed jacamar, spotted cabezon, toucans, woodpeckers, cotingas and in particular the orange cock-of-the-rock, tyrants (gray tityre...), green cassis, tangaras, cardinal flavert, cardinal slate.

Marshes of Kaw

Pirogue sur l'Approuague.

Steps: Kaw

Departure at daybreak to the Degrad of Kaw marshes (15-20 min). Pirogue on the marshes of Kaw upstream of the village in the morning. Picnic in the village of Kaw. In the afternoon, pirogue on the marshes towards the mouth of the Kaw river and observation of its red ibis.


Kaw Marshes

Steps: Régina

If the Kaw canal is open: departure at dawn for the Degrad des marais de Kaw (10 min). Depart by pirogue for the Kaw marshes, then cross the Canal Roi to the mouth of theApprouague to see the Toco toucan.

If the Kaw canal is closed: departure by minibus at daybreak for the Degrad des marais de Kaw (10 min). Further exploration of the marshes and the species that live there.

Day 5

Savane-roche Virginie

Dans la forêt amazonienne.

Depart before sunrise by minibus for 30 minutes to reach the trail entrance. Walk for around 2h30 on a marked trail and observe the animals in the undergrowth. We then arrive at the rock savannah, a granite formation offering a breathtaking view of the canopy. Morning observation from this vantage point, followed by a picnic at the summit.

Régina / Saut Mapaou Islands

Steps: Régina

Forest walk around Regina to observe the birds of the undergrowth and then around the camp. Picnic lunch. Observation of manakins and thamnophilids in a large wasteland and/or pirogue ride in the Saut Mapaou chain of islands and/or traditional coumarou fishing in the rapids. Sunset on the rocks overlooking Saut Mapaou. Dinner on site. Capture of chiropterans with a mist net.

Day 7

Machicou jump

Ascent by pirogue to the Machicou jump (3 to 4 hours). This walk allows you to explore the river and its rapids in search of otters, anacondas, tapirs or even fierce Harpies. Picnic halfway down a rocky slab. Attempt to observe the rare honoured fasciated and herons capped in canoes and on foot on a path along the rapids.

Day 8

Mapaou Jump

Morning, observation of the birds present around the cottage. Departure by pirogue for a trip up to the first rapids of the river. Arrival at your carbet and installation. Picnic at the carbet. Then visit by pirogue the rapids and the rocky and tumultuous meanders in search of the trifid engoulevents and the swallows of the torrents.

"Nature and ornithology"

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