Time difference Florida
There are 6 hours less in Florida compared to France. Attention, Pensacola and its county have 7 hours less.
Opening hours Florida
To see / To do Florida
In most cities, especially the more touristy ones, most points of interest are open every day. In some of the less popular areas, the hours are more limited and there may be one or two days of closure during the week. It is best to check in advance.
Enjoying yourself Florida
Most restaurants are open all day long, although this is less the case since the pandemic. The restaurants have slightly different hours than in France, as Americans eat dinner earlier than we do. So you can easily get a table at 5pm and the restaurant will close around 10pm, later if it has a bar. So it is better to check the schedule in advance to avoid disappointment. Some fast food restaurants and diners can operate 24 hours a day.
Take a break Florida
The food shops and cafés are generally open from morning to late afternoon. Most offer a small menu for lunch. Bars usually open at 10 or 11 am and close at 2 am.
(To) please yourself Florida
Most shops are open every day, from 10am to 10pm, depending on the city. They are rarely closed between midday and midnight, and are almost always open on Sundays. This is also the case for supermarkets.
Among U.S. holidays, some stores remain closed on New Year's Day (January1), President's Day (3rd Monday in February), Memorial Day (last Monday in May), Independence Day (July 4), Labor Day (1st Monday in September) and Veteran's Day (November 11).
Get out Florida
The nightclubs are mainly located in the big cities. Generally speaking, they welcome you from 9pm until 4 or 5am. It is not uncommon for this type of place to be closed from Sunday to Wednesday. For more family-oriented activities such as bowling, movies or go-karting, the hours vary greatly depending on the location. Florida also has a handful of casinos in Miami, Fort Myers, Saint Petersburg and Orlando.