Place de la Bourse,  Bordeaux
Place de la Bourse, Bordeaux © dudlajzov - Adobe Stock

Every year, thousands of city dwellers wonder what to do in Bordeaux this summer. And yet, the city is overflowing with activities ideal for making the most of the warm days. Here's our selection of sporting and more leisurely activities.

1. Enjoy a cruise on the Garonne River

Vue sur Bordeaux et la  Garonne
View of Bordeaux and the Garonne © borisb17 - Adobe Stock

If you're wondering what to do in Bordeaux this summer, whether you're a vacationer or a local, turn to cruises. Even if you think you know the city very well, they'll let you rediscover it from a whole new angle. What's more, cruises offer the great advantage of being close to the water, and therefore particularly refreshing in summer. A must in Bordeaux. There are all kinds of options: with dinner on board, at sunset, or simply in the middle of the day. Don't forget your camera, to capture the city's monuments from a new angle.

Click here to book your cruise on the Garonne and take advantage of our partner's special rates!

2. Picnic in the Jardin Public

Pique-nique entre amis
Picnic with friends © HBS - Adobe Stock

The Jardin Public is the largest park in the center of Bordeaux, and certainly one of the locals' favorites, not to be missed at weekends when the sun is shining. It boasts large lawns, with sun or shade depending on the location. It's an ideal place to enjoy a picnic. What's more, you can also take advantage of the park's wide range of leisure activities, including children's games, a natural history museum and an arboretum.

3. Play pétanque on one of the city's many pétanque courts

Pétanque © DiMar - Adobe Stock

If you're looking for something to do in Bordeaux this summer, there's nothing like inviting a few friends over for a game of pétanque. In fact, the city boasts a number of playing fields, or simply sandy ground, that lend themselves to the game. It's certainly the best way to enjoy Bordeaux's gentle way of life. You can play in the following places:

  • Place des Quinconces, known as the largest square in Europe and one of the most beautiful in France,
  • The Jardin Public, with its sandy paths ideal for pétanque,
  • Place du Cardinal-Donnet, with its own playing field and the added advantage of being in a quiet, pleasant neighborhood,
  • The Grand Parc also has a real pétanque court.

4. Admire the sunset at Parc aux Angéliques

Coucher de soleil sur Bordeaux
Sunset over Bordeaux © yanntexier - Adobe Stock

Facing west, Bordeaux has no shortage of exceptional places to admire the sunset. But make sure you choose the right bank of the Garonne, or you won't be able to enjoy the show at all. Head for the right bank, which offers the best vantage point for admiring the spectacle. More precisely, the Parc aux Angéliques is one of the city's best spots for an exceptional sunset, not only because of its unobstructed view, but also because of its bucolic atmosphere. You can also bring your own picnic or aperitif and make the most of this beautiful summer night.

5. Try your hand at water sports

Filles faisant du surf
Girls surfing © Eric Cowez - Adobe Stock

If you're looking for something to do in Bordeaux this summer, don't forget water sports. As the city boasts not only a river, but also a nearby ocean, there's no shortage of water sports on offer. The Garonne offers opportunities to try canoeing, kayaking, rowing and even sailing! You can also hire your own boat for greater freedom. Some service providers offer to equip the boat with a picnic or aperitif basket, which can make it a perfect activity with friends, for example if you're traveling to celebrate an EVJF. By taking a train to the coast, you can also enjoy waterskiing, surfing and many other activities. And why not take advantage of the summer to take a course and perfect your skills in one of these sports?

6. Stroll through Bordeaux's museums

Museum © JackF -

If you're looking for something to do in Bordeaux this summer but want to escape the heat at all costs, take refuge in one of the city's many museums. Indeed, Bordeaux boasts a particularly rich cultural offering, and even some of the best museums in France. Whether you're a holidaymaker or a local, we're sure you'll find some you haven't yet visited among our favorites:

  • La Cité du Vin : a pharaonic project inaugurated in 2016 that will transport you into the world of wine,
  • Les Bassins des Lumières: a particularly unusual museum dedicated to digital art, housed in a former World War II submarine,
  • The Musée d'Aquitaine: immerse yourself in the history of the region,
  • Musée des Beaux-Arts: one of the largest art museums in France!
  • Cap Science: this interactive museum is dedicated to making science as accessible and exciting as it deserves to be,
  • Musée des Arts décoratifs et du design: for lovers of interior design.

7. Music festivals

Groupe d'amis en festival
Group of friends at a festival © gpointstudio - Adobestock

In summer, Bordeaux's cultural agenda is packed, especially when it comes to music festivals. Bordeaux Open Air is one of the most popular. Every Sunday, the city's parks host wild DJ sets - and they're all free! Not far from Bordeaux, the Garorock festival is a major musical event, attracting up to 160,000 people every year. Beyond the festivals, if you're looking for something to do in Bordeaux this summer, be sure to check out the scheduled events, as there are always plenty of concerts and shows taking place.

8. Dancing at Dansons sur les Quais

Danseurs de tango
Tango dancers © smuki - Adobe Stock

Dansons sur les Quais is another very popular Bordeaux event. Every summer, usually during the month of July, the event organizes dozens of dance classes throughout the city. You can try your hand at tango, salsa, jazz, zumba or hip-hop, all accompanied by professionals who will guide you through the steps. And best of all, the event is completely free! With all these qualities, Dansons sur les Quais is undoubtedly one of the best activities in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region.

9. Take a trip to the beach

Biscarrosse © Eric Cowez -

There's no shortage of beaches around Bordeaux, so swimming and sunbathing are just a bus or train ride away. Head to Arcachon, for example, to enjoy its Moulleau beach or the one in the town center. Or choose Biscarosse, with its waves so beloved by surfers. Choose between the central beach or the Maguide beach. A well-developed rail network means you can organize day trips to the South-West and make the most of the summer.

10. Cycling along the Scandiberico (Eurovélo 3)

Famille à vélo
Family on bikes © Monkey Business- Adobestock

Eurovélo 3 is a major European cycle route, over 5,500 km long. It's also known as Scandiberica, as it stretches between the Scandinavian and Iberian peninsulas. It just so happens that on this long journey, the route passes through Bordeaux! Here's your chance to saddle up for a few hours, a day or even a weekend on a section of Eurovélo 3. You'll pass through the beautiful vineyards of Bordeaux, and can even stop for a wine tasting.

Discover our Top 11 of the best family cycling itineraries in France.

11. Visit the vineyards and take part in a wine tasting

Dégustation de vin
Wine tasting © djile - Adobestock

Bordeaux, a wine-growing city par excellence, is surrounded by a multitude of vineyards that produce some of France's finest wines. They offer many possibilities for things to do in Bordeaux in summer. For example, as suggested above, you can enjoy a bike ride through the vineyards, or go hiking. The vineyards are criss-crossed by a multitude of walking trails. You can also hire a guide to take you on wine tours. Finally, why not stop off directly at the winegrower's for a tasting session with the producer?

Tempted? Click here to book your tour of the prestigious St-Emilion wine region and village from Bordeaux. You'll discover the secrets of wine production, the vat room and the cellar, and taste some of the finest wines.

12. Enjoy a drink on the terrace of a summer guinguette

Groupe d'amis dans un bar
Group of friends in a bar © olly - Adobe Stock

In Bordeaux, summertime guinguettes and other ephemeral bars spring up all over the city. Many open only for the warmer months, bringing Bordeaux locals together for cocktails, dancing, games, concerts or simply a good meal. There are also a multitude of rooftops offering spectacular views over the city, the Garonne and the nearby Atlantic. To make the most of them, invest in their terraces at sunset. And don't forget to check out our selection of the best rooftops in Bordeaux.

13. Eat at the market

Couple au marché
Couple at the market © jackfrog - Adobe Stock

Bordeaux has no shortage of markets, where you can feast on food from local producers, and sample the gastronomy of the Southwest. There are vegetable markets and organic markets, as well as antique and second-hand markets: all great opportunities to stroll between the stalls and enjoy a beautiful day. The Capucins market is probably the city's most famous, with numerous food stalls. But it's far from the only one where you can indulge, since you can also count on the Halles de Bacala, the Boca FoodCourt, the Quais organic market, the Green market, and much more.

Discover also the trendiest things to do in Bordeaux:

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