
A new look website for the tourist office

It is brand new, more ergonomic, offers more photos and is also "responsive design", meaning that it adapts to your screen size, whether you surf via your computer, tablet or smartphone.

The great novelty is the integrated booking platform; you compose your stay in Nice à la carte by adding your choices in your virtual basket: your accommodation, your leisure activities... In a few clicks you can book and pay.

- Discover Nice

- What to do in Nice

- Compose your stay in Nice

The 3 main tabs are clear and easy to navigate.

Thematic sites complete this portal: the French Riviera Pass dedicated to the city-card; Nice-greeters.com for a different kind of Nice; meet-in-nice.com for business tourism.

The site is translated into 8 languages: French, English, German, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Japanese and Chinese.