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La Friche de la Belle de Mai, 41, rue Jobin, 13003Marseille, France
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A free radio, as it remains, independent of any party or influences, which develops without commercial income thanks to the voluntary work of dedicated employees and, above all, to the high potential of volunteer facilitators. Radio Galley now relies on subscriptions, listeners, contributions, sales of programs, parties, and some public subsidies. In associative form, it is quite unique in Marseille waves. Turning to social action, it denounces the phenomena of exclusion, gives voice to various minorities, testifies to social struggles, and commits itself to human rights. It carries out reports on the ground, covers concerts, and invites itself to underground evenings. Its keywords: expression, integration, training. In each debate, the listeners have the right to intervene on the antenna. In short, a libertarian radio with a grid of busy programmes (24 h/24 h), punctuated with very good music - once again independent - of record promotion. Cultural, social, and associative agendas and thematic magazines and journals relating to cinema, theatre, and literature were also added. The radio is also accessible worldwide, thanks to the Internet!

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