Parking Relais Vallier-Catane. Different prices for concerts. Season ticket: €10 to €15. Checkroom: €2. Bar open from 10 a.m. to 1 a.m. Wednesday to Friday. Also open on concert evenings.
The story of La Belle
It all began in 2005, when the City of Grenoble proposed a project to create a concert hall on the Bouchayer-Viallet site. A call for tenders was launched the following year to select the structure that would manage the future venue. The MixLab association, which had been set up with a view to bidding for the contract, was selected: the start of a wonderful adventure! Between 2007 and 2021, MixLab and its salaried team, delegated by the City of Grenoble (DSP), will manage La Belle Electrique and its activities.
In December 2020, the City Council voted to end the DSP, effective December 31, 2021.
The year 2022 thus marks the start of a new chapter in the history of La Belle Electrique: the MixLab association, the historic manager of the facility, now shares governance with employees, partners, residents/users and institutions; all partners in a Société Coopérative d'Intérêt Collectif (SCIC)
The living space
A project to be co-written together
Driven by a collective synergy, the bar-restaurant is a lively place open to local initiatives, where numerous festive events take place: concerts, DJ sets, exhibitions and other gatherings.
Our aim is to encourage creativity and the emergence of new forms of collaboration, and to encourage people to discover, speak out and forge links, just like our culinary events.
Located in the heart of Bouchayer-Viallet, a former industrial site rehabilitated as an EcoQuartier, we welcome you all week long to our modular, plant-filled space: in the restaurant at lunchtime, at the bar until midnight.
Opening hours
Bar: Wednesday to Friday, 10am to 1am. Also open on concert evenings.
La Belle Électrique is a 900-seat concert hall opened in January 2015. This 2287 m2 facility, located in the Bouchayer-Viallet district of Grenoble, promotes all forms of amplified music in a logic of crossing aesthetics, techniques and technologies.
The project of the MixLab association, chosen by the city of Grenoble for the management of the place, is to encourage the discovery and the curiosity of the greatest number.
It is aimed at all generations, at amateur and professional musicians, at audiences looking for new experiences and cultural emancipation. These characteristics constitute the backbone of MixLab's artistic project, allowing to give La Belle Électrique a singular identity capable of radiating on the South-East of France.
Par contre la qualité du service est catastrophique; je n'étais pas retourné à la BE depuis deux ans, et jusque la rien à redire.
Grosse déception la semaine dernière, ou nous sommes retrouvés face a une équipe bar A LA RAMASSE COMPLET, 35mn de queue pour une bière, une équipe dépassée, amateur et désagréable au possible. Nous étions nombreux a nous plaindre de la qualité minable du service.
Mention spéciale à la demoiselle qui préférait ignorer ouvertement et volontairement les clients et ranger des verres au lieux de les servir alors que la soirée n'était pas terminée et le bar encore ouvert : et si vous vous amusez a leur rappeler pourquoi ils sont la et en quoi leur métier consiste, ils refuseront carrément de vous servir.
Bref : un gros, GROS effort à fournir au niveau du service.