Practical information : Accomodation Montreal
Budget & Tips
Of course, rates vary widely depending on the type of accommodation you choose. In low season, you can find a nice room in an inn or hotel for between $80 and $150 CAN, a rate that practically doubles in high season or during major events.
It's important to remember that all prices quoted are exclusive of taxes. Not only must you add sales tax (14.975%), but also a lodging tax of 3.5% of the nightly rate (CAN$3.50 per night when renting through an intermediary). All methods of payment are accepted, but smaller hotels may limit themselves to cash, traveler's cheques and/or debit cards.
To be booked
As a popular destination, it's advisable to make reservations in Montreal, especially in summer. And don't wait until the last minute to book if you're planning to attend the Canadian Grand Prix or the International Jazz Festival, as hotels sell out during these events. In the regions, it's easier to get a last-minute reservation, although the high summer and winter seasons are highly sought-after, especially at Mont-Tremblant in the Laurentians.
What's very local
Despite the presence of many international banners in the city, a large number of independent inns and hotels have taken up residence just about everywhere. And many of them have an undeniable cachet, being housed in historic houses and buildings. The rental of studios, apartments or fully-equipped condos is also very popular in Montreal, but also in the regions, especially in resort destinations and ski resorts.
For food lovers
Breakfast is very often included in the price (or at a slight extra charge) and, in the city as in the regions, regional products are legion. Many inns and hotels also feature renowned restaurants showcasing local cuisine, whether traditional or contemporary. And with several aboriginal communities in the greater Montreal area, you can even treat yourself to a gourmet stay with an aboriginal flavour.
Smoking is prohibited in hotel establishments, including on room balconies and the terraces of hotel bars and restaurants. Smoking must also be allowed within 9 meters of the hotel door, although some people do not respect this distance. Of course, depending on the type of accommodation, there may be exceptions, such as smoking on the balcony of a cottage rented in the middle of nowhere. But wherever you sleep, smoking indoors is strictly forbidden.