Landes de Gascogne Regional Nature Park

With its huge surface area of over 336,000 hectares straddling the Landes and Gironde departments, the Landes de Gascogne Regional Nature Park stretches from the Bassin d'Arcachon to the south of the Grande Lande. The coastal river La Leyre flows through the pine forest, winding its way through the massif for almost 80 kilometers. The La Leyre delta, open to the Arcachon Basin, is the interface between land and water, made up of salt meadows, grazed meadows, dyked estates, reed beds, sandbanks and mudflats... Fragile and therefore protected, the delta is also located on one of Europe's most important bird migration routes, notably that of the grey cranes. Classified as a NATURA 2000 zone (, the Leyre is one of the most valuable natural sites in terms of its exceptional flora and fauna. A restoration and maintenance program has been set up.
The Park's territory is a rich and fragile area, and its management has two objectives: to preserve its landscapes, resources and natural environments, and to promote the Park's natural heritage.
The natural heritage of the Parc Naturel Régional and the Leyre is rich: the Parc Naturel Régionl et la Leyre is home to a rich natural heritage: numerous mammals including the otter, the European mink, the genet and other rare species threatened by human activity, amphibians and reptiles such as the European cistude, invertebrates such as the agrion de Mercure and the lucane cerf-volant, plants such as the dichelyme étroite and fish such as the lamprey and the ToxosTome. On the forest side, you can also easily spot (if you're an early riser or a late sleeper) numerous wild boar, deer, foxes, badgers, roe deer and woodcock.

So, what should you explore on your visit to this immense natural area?

Visit theMarquèze eco-museum in Sabres, open to the public, to learn more about the park and the Grande Lande heritage. This area is one of the best places to observe the Park's flora and fauna.

Embark on a canoe or kayak trip on the Leyre(, from 2 hours to several days, departing from Moustey.

Observe the wintering of grey cranes in one of the Landes ornithological gîtes (, in Sabres or Morcenx-la-Nouvelle.

Discover the Forêt d'Art Contemporain on foot or by bike along the Park's paths

Explore the thousands of lagoons scattered throughout the forest on the eco-balade des lagunes in Brocas or on the botanical interpretation trail at the Espace naturel sensible de Nabias in Arue.

For a schedule of activities and events throughout the Park, visit the Landes d'Armagnac Tourist Office in Labastide d'Armagnac, Saint Justin and Villeneuve-de-Marsan, the Pays Morcenais Tourist Office in Morcenx-la-Nouvelle, the Parc Naturel Régional des Landes de Gascogne information point in Sabres or the Syndicat d'Initiatives in Brocas.

Courant d'Huchet Nature Reserve

Born of the desire to conserve this unique site, rich in history, botanical heritage and fauna, the Courant d'Huchet was classified as a Nature Reserve in 1981, in order to limit human activity and excessive tourist numbers. The 618-hectare reserve covers the communes of Léon, Moliets-et-Mâa and Vielle-Saint-Girons. The stream itself, some 9 kilometers long, forms a link between the Étang de Léon and the Atlantic Ocean. To date, it is the only river in the Bay of Biscay whose mouth has not been stabilized by dyking.
The reserve is an integral part of the littoral wetland, which results from the blocking and accumulation of continental waters by the dune belt. Here, freshwater and brackish water coexist, with very dry to flooded soils, providing a habitat for numerous plant and animal species. The reserve comprises the Étang de Léon, a fast-flowing stream with alder, oak and willow forest, maritime pine forest, marshes and peat bogs, and the coastal dune.

The site is freely accessible on one of 6 trails along the Courant, between forest, marsh and river mouth. Guided tours are organized, as well as events and boat trips with the Bateliers du Courant d'Huchet.

The Maison de la Réserve in Léon welcomes visitors every day in high season, as does the chalet de Pichelèbe in Moliets-et-Mâa (more information at

Wetlands, lakes and ponds

The marshes and wetlands of the Landes are a birdwatcher's delight: they are ideal transition and wintering sites for migratory birds, particularly the grey crane.
The Barthes de l'Adour, near Saubusse, have been around for 3,000 years: they are farmland that floods when the river is high, giving off magnificent colors in all seasons. Its flora, comprising carnivorous plants, bald cypress and alders, is protected by the ONF. You can admire free-roaming Landes horses and ponies, as well as the flight of storks and grey herons.
The Arjuzanx Reserve, classified as a Nature Reserve since 2022, covers 2,205 hectares in the communes of Morcenx-la-Nouvelle, Rion-des-Landes and Villenave. A major site for grey cranes, with a migratory peak of 80,000 cranes, its mosaic of dry and aquatic environments and woods can be explored in a variety of ways: on foot, by bike and even on horseback. You can also swim in its clear lake and enjoy water sports.
The Réserve Naturelle du Marais d'Orx plays an important role in flood management. It is home to 298 species of birds, which visitors can discover on marked trails.
The Étangs Noir et Blanc, in Seignosse, are also protected areas. These freshwater ponds are sublime natural spaces to contemplate. The Étang Noir - named for its mysterious depth - is home to woodpeckers, dragonflies, turtles and otters, threading their way through reeds and ferns. L'Étang Blanc, meanwhile, is truly white when the grey sky reflects on it. Climb aboard a small rowing boat and discover its absolute calm and wild ducks.
Other sublime lakes are part of the richness of the Landes region: lac de Cazaux-Sanguinet, lac de Biscarrosse-Parentis, lac d'Aureilhan et de Mimizan, lac de Léon, lac d'Hossegor, lac marin de Port d'Albret à Vieux Boucau, lac de Soustons... Ideal for walking, fishing or swimming.

Before your visit, drop in at La Maison du Marais for the Marais d'Orx, La Maison de Site for the Réserve d'Arjuzanx and the Maison d'accueil for the Réserve Naturelle de l'Étang Noir in Seignosse. We'll be happy to tell you about tours, viewpoints equipped with observatories and the best times to watch for Common Cranes.

Nature in danger?

As elsewhere, biodiversity is threatened by human activity, climatic conditions and wildfire. These include the major forest fires that ravaged part of the Landes de Gascogne in 2022, destroying over 30,000 hectares of maritime pine on the Gironde side, and mobilizing up to 3,000 firefighters, including 1,800 from the Gironde region. The region had already been hit by fire between 1940 and 1949, destroying 40% of its total surface area. As well as having irreversible consequences for the environment, these fires have a significant impact on the local economy, since 25% of the wood used in France comes from the maritime pines of the Landes de Gascogne forest, which is then transformed into paper, furniture or building materials.