Stay : The golden ring of ancient Russia

The Golden Ring is made up of several princely cities, all located around Moscow, it is the region encompassing the heart of Russian history. This tour is an invitation to discover this civilization, its art and its Orthodox faith. From simple whitewashed walls to vast baroque monuments, the traveler is invited to go back several centuries.

Summary of the stay


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Suggested by Petit Futé

13 days

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The map of your stay - Russie

Detail of the stay : The golden ring of ancient Russia - 13 days

  • Tioumen ())
  • Tioumen ())
  • Pskov (Псков)
  • Pskov (Псков)
  • Serguiev Possad (Посад Посад)
  • Serguiev Possad (Посад Посад)
  • Moscow (Москва)
  • Vladimir (Владимир)
  • Vladimir (Владимир)
  • Omsk (Омск)
  • Omsk (Омск)
  • Oussouriïsk (Уссурийск)
  • Oussouriïsk (Уссурийск)
  • Suzdal ())
  • Bogolioubovo ())
  • Suzdal ())
  • Suzdal ())
  • Iouriev-Polski (Юрьев-Польский)
  • Iouriev-Polski (Юрьев-Польский)
  • Volga
  • Plios ())
  • Volga
  • Kostroma ())
  • Kostroma ())
  • Kostroma ())
  • Volga
  • Yaroslavl ())
  • Moscow (Москва)
  • Rostov-Le-Grand (Ростов-Великий)
  • Rostov-Le-Grand (Ростов-Великий)

Day 1: Novgorod, the oldest of Russian cities

Novgorod. If you are not confused with Nizhny Novgorod, you will probably need to go to St. Petersburg, which is 170 km away. Visit in particular the Kremlin and the Saint George Monastery (Youriev Monastyr).

Day 2: Pskov, on the banks of Velikaya

Steps: Tioumen, Pskov, Serguiev Possad

Pskov. The city is a unique example of ancient Russia's architecture. Enter the Kremlin and from the central square, admire the trinity cathedral. 600 years ago, in the same place, the people of the city of Pskov voted for the wars, armistices and major political decisions of the city. Go down the Velikaïa to the Mirozki monastery and its frescoes classified as UNESCO's world heritage.

Places of interest :

Day 3: Moscow, the big capital

Steps: Moscou

Moscow. We must go through the capital to continue the journey over time to ancient Russia. In one day you can either see the Red Square and Saint-Basile-le-Bienheureux Cathedral, an architectural and mystical symbol of a whole country or you can go (suburbs) to the first Saint of Russia in Serguiev Possad, before returning to Moscow.

Day 4: Visit of the City of Vladimir Vladimir

Steps: Vladimir, Omsk

Vladimir. Vladimir is one of the oldest cities in Russia. Admire the Cathedral of Assumption and the Golden Gate, dating back to the twelfth century. 

Day 5: The Monastery of Bogolioubovo

Steps: Oussouriïsk, Souzdal, Bogolioubovo

Vladimir. Take the time to go to Bogolioubovo, with its monastery and especially the church of the Intercession of the Virgin on the Nerl. Then take the road to Souzdal to spend the night there.

Day 6: Souzdal, cradle of the Russian State

Steps: Souzdal

It's Souzdal. The city of Souzdal was a glorious city at the time of the Russian Middle Ages. Today it is a city-museum. Try to stay in the monastery of the Savior Saint-Euthyme.

Day 7: Excursion to Iouriev-Polski

Steps: Iouriev-Polski

Suddenly. Take the time of a trip off the beaten track in Iourev Polskyi located 70 km northwest of Vladimir. Visit in particular its Orthodox Monastery Saint-Michel-Archange and a hundred meters from there, Saint George Cathedral.

Day 8: Plios, "Russian Switzerland"

Steps: Volga, Plios

Plios. This little bourgade extends along the Volga. It is called "Russian Switzerland" because of the beauty of its surroundings. You can stop there one night before you go north.

Day 9: At the confluence of the Volga and Kostroma

Steps: Volga, Kostroma

Kostroma. At the crossing of the Volga and Kostroma rivers, Kostroma was very prosperous in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, as evidenced by its architecture. 

Day 10: The Monastery Ipatiev

Steps: Kostroma

Kostroma. Do not miss the Ipatiev monastery, founded around 1330 by an converted Tatar, emerging from Kostroma as in a dream, we can stay in a small wooden house opposite the monastery.

Places of interest :

Day 11: Go back to the Volga by boat

Steps: Volga, Iaroslavl

Iaroslav. To join Iaroslav from Kostroma, take one of the boats dating back to the Volga over 65 kilometers.

Day 12: Yaroslav and its old town

Yaroslav. Served by the Trans-Siberian Railway, it is one of the oldest Russian cities. Its old town is a Unesco heritage site. Visit in particular the kremlin of Yaroslav and its numerous churches which border the river.

Day 13: Rostov la Grande to finish

Steps: Moscou, Rostov-Le-Grand

Rostov Veliki. On the edge of Nero Lake, the city of Rostov la Grande is actually rather small. Ideal for a last visit and take a rest before returning to Moscow. Take the boat for an hour and a half walk on the lake. The train for Moscow takes only three hours, but you feel like you're going through six centuries.

Places of interest :

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