The best restaurants Madagascar
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Practical information : Eating out Madagascar
The opening hours are similar to those in France, and the closing days are sometimes on Sunday.
Budget & Tips
One can eat in hotely gasy (popular gargotes) around 5,000 Ar, a menu in a small restaurant varies between 20,000 Ar and 30,000 Ar, in a good restaurant, it can go up to more than 45,000 Ar, and the best tables - with a few exceptions - rarely ask more than 70,000 Ar.
What costs extra
Tipping is not mandatory but it is always appreciated. As a traveler, don't be stingy, it will be a small difference for you but for your hosts it can really help them! Count 10% of the bill in restaurants.
The local way
You will very often have rice on the menu in Malagasy restaurants! Dishes can be spicy but it is not systematic.
To be avoided
We will avoid accepting ice cubes and raw vegetables or other fruits in public places... Sanitary problems being what they are in Mada, it is better to avoid putting your bellies to the test unnecessarily! We prefer to accept fruits that we peel ourselves.
Smoking is not generally allowed in restaurants in Madagascar, except in some establishments with smoking areas.