Events for everyone

A whole host of events to suit all tastes and seasons: there's no shortage of good times to be had! On the classical music front, Les Spiriades, a series of waterside musical encounters, is a must. They take place in La Frette-sur-Seine and Herblay, as well as in neighboring Andrésy. For ten days at the beginning of July, the church of Saint-Nicolas or the Petit Théâtre in La Frette, as well as the church of Saint-Martin in Herblay, are the setting for classical concerts, from organ to harp to chamber music. Add a few pinches of cabaret and accordion, some recitals and film-concert sessions, and you've got one of the region's must-sees. Another event is the "Les Couleurs du Plessis" festival, which takes place in Le Plessis-Bouchard over several weeks between March and April, and features lectures, philosophical cafés, exhibitions and, of course, music on a given theme ("Excellence and Performance" for the 2023 edition) A variety of concerts are offered, as well as "Arts Croisés" sessions, which combine music and other types of art. Every year, the "Nuit des Conservatoires", a national event, invites you to come and listen to the work of students over the course of an evening: here, Montigny-lès-Cormeilles and Herblay-sur-Seine are the places to be. Finally, on June 21, the Fête de la Musique is celebrated in all 15 towns of the Agglomération: in the streets, in the cafés, on the various stages, we love music here and we're showing it!

Numerous locations

There's no shortage of infrastructure here! While it's hard to list every single venue, let's take a look at a few of the best-known examples. The Espace Michel Berger in Sannois: also known as the EMB, this was inaugurated in 1992, and specializes in contemporary music. In addition to hosting artists in residence, it boasts a vast hall that can accommodate up to 500 people, and its program includes several dozen concerts a year: big names come here, as well as up-and-coming groups, notably during so-called "discovery" sessions. At the same time, other venues offer a wide range of cultural events: the Centre Culturel Picasso in Montigny-lès-Cormeilles, for example, has a capacity of 290 and hosts dance and concerts. In Sannois, the Centre Cyrano is at the heart of a lively cultural scene, with jazz sessions called "Je dis Jazz" (we'll leave it to you to guess the day of the program!), as well as classical music standards such as " Violetta, la Dame aux Camélias ", " Les deux morts d'Ernest Cabaner " and Giuseppe Verdi's " La Traviata ", presented by the music school during the 2023-2024 program. Last but not least, the Agglomération's network of media libraries offers a wide range of places where you can buy records and other materials dedicated to listening to all kinds of music: l'Eclipse in Cormeilles-en-Parisis, Georges-Pompidou in Saint-Leu-la-Forêt, Maurice-Genevoix in Eaubonne, Jean d'Ormesson in Plessis-Bouchard (located in the Jacques-Templier cultural center) and Joseph-Kessel in Beauchamp, to name but a few.

Learning for all, multiple structures

Throughout the region, hundreds of students attend quality music schools. In Sannois, for example, over 400 students attend the magnificent Maison Ribot, which offers music and singing lessons, and boasts no fewer than 4 orchestras and 5 choirs, the latter of which have already performed abroad. Not far away, in Le Plessis-Bouchard, the EMAM (Ecole Municipale des Arts et de la Musique) also offers particularly advanced training, catering for all levels and tastes. Further south, Franconville's Conservatoire is housed in the magnificent Maison Suger: the acoustic quality of the premises is matched only by the quality of the teaching, which covers a wide range of disciplines: dance and music, of course, but also drama are taught in this 25-room setting with a 123-seat auditorium. It's impossible not to mention Ermont's Conservatoire à Rayonnement Communal: not only for the quality of its educational offerings in dance and music, but also for the venue itself. Inaugurated in 2020, the new building has been the object of meticulous architectural and environmental care: covered in gold, it boasts modern, bright and spacious facilities, including a 150-seat auditorium, covering an area of 1,550 m2. On the community front, there's no shortage of initiatives: for example, "Musique en Val d'Oise", an association launched 3 years ago, has two choirs, one classical, the other performing modern music. With rehearsals every Monday, the ensemble organizes several concerts each year in the region. Herblay Musique is an association of professional musicians offering contemporary music courses, from metal and fusion to reggae and jazz: no level is required to come here, and young students are welcome! Last but not least, on the dance front, there's "A Corps Danse": the Saint-Leu-la-Forêt-based association offers contemporary dance classes for everyone (including children aged 3 and over). There's also the Virginie Delcourt dance school in Cormeilles-en-Parisis, which offers no less than 13 different disciplines, from the most common to the most original, such as street-jazz, zumba-fitness (and its children's version) and pole dance. All in all, whether it's music or dance, it's hard not to find something to learn here!