A month to discover the best of Ecuador

Highlights of the trip

Culture / Heritage
Faune and flora
Adventure / Sports & Leisure
Free time

During your stay you can enjoy the following highlights: Culture / Heritage, Faune and flora, Discovery, Adventure / Sports & Leisure, Free time.

Best times to go


The best time(s) to go is/are : Printemps, Eté, Automne, Hiver.

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Petit Futé

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Where to stay in : Quito ?

The map of your stay "A month to discover the best of Ecuador"

Detail of the stay : A month to discover the best of Ecuador

  • Quito
  • Quito
  • Quito
  • Quito
  • Quito
  • Mitad Del Mundo
  • Mindo
  • Mindo
  • Otavalo
  • Peguche
  • Peguche
  • Lago San Pablo
  • Lagunas De Mojanda
  • Laguna Cuicocha
  • Ibarra
  • Lago Agrio - Nueva Loja
  • Parque Nacional Cotopaxi
  • Parque Nacional Cotopaxi
  • Latacunga
  • Zumbahua
  • Laguna Del Quilotoa
  • Riobamba
  • Riobamba
  • Riobamba
  • Riobamba
  • Volcán Chimborazo
  • Volcán Chimborazo
  • Volcán Chimborazo
  • Cuenca
  • Cajas Nacional Park
  • Gualaceo
  • Chordeleg
  • San Joaquín
  • Ingapirca
  • Vilcabamba
  • Guayaquil
  • Puerto Ayora
  • Puerto Baquerizo Moreno
  • Puerto Villamil
  • Puerto Villamil
  • Puerto Villamil
  • Santo Tomás
  • Santo Tomás
  • Roca León Dormido - Kicker'S Rock
  • Punta Pitt
  • Puerto Ayora
  • Puerto Ayora
  • Puerto Ayora
  • Parque Nacional Machalilla
  • Parque Nacional Machalilla
  • Puerto López
  • Montañita
  • Atacames
  • Atacames
  • Santo Domingo De Los Colorados
  • Canoa
  • Esmeraldas
  • Atacames
  • Súa
  • Mompiche

How to get there - Quito

Visit the capital

<p>Monument de la mitad del mundo.</p>

Steps: Quito

Discovery of Quito. Visit its churches, convents and museums. We recommend visiting the Palacio del Gobierno, theCompania church, the Casa del Alabado and, of course, climbing the steps of the Basilica del Voto for one of the best panoramic views of the city! In the evening, enjoy the lively nightlife of the Mariscal district (modern Quito) or the trendy restaurants of La Floresta.


Halfway around the world

A Mindo.

Steps: Mindo

You can visit the Mitad del Mundo for the symbol. From there, you can take your first excursion into the rainforest at Mindo (the 7 waterfalls walk is superb).

In Mindo's cloud forest

Steps: Mindo

Mindo is located just outside Quito, and is the ideal place for birdwatching in the cloud forest(bosque nublado), as well as rafting on the river. You can also visit a chocolate factory, a must in Ecuador.

Otavalo craft market

La Laguna Cuichoca.

Steps: Otavalo

The city ofOtavalo is famous for its market, which takes place on Saturdays or, preferably, Wednesdays, and is the largest handicraft market in the country.

Walks around Otavalo

Steps: Ibarra

Numerous walks in the Otavalo area: Cuicocha lagoon, Mojanda lagoon, Peguche waterfall. Meet local communities and visit their handicraft workshops. You can also go as far as Ibarra and take a tour of Lake San Pablo.

Heading for the Amazon

Steps: Lago Agrio - Nueva Loja

For a 4-day stay in the Amazon, prefer the Cuyabeno region (north-east, via Lago Agrio). Allow two days for a round-trip to/from Quito (preferably by night bus) and transportation by pirogue to the lodge.

Day 7

First Amazon Exploration

In the programme: daytime and night excursions in the jungle, observation of wildlife and flora, walks on the river, meeting with children of the country... A memorable memory! Note: it is essential to go through a local agency.

Day 8

Amazonia, continued exploration

Continued exploration in the Amazon.

Day 9

Amazonia, continued exploration

Continued exploration in the Amazon.

Day 10

Amazonia, continued exploration

Couple d'habitants de Latacunga.

Continued exploration in the Amazon.

On the slopes of the Cotopaxi volcano

La vue sur la lagune de Quilotoa surprend tous les voyageurs venus à sa rencontre.

Steps: Latacunga

Reach Latacunga. From here, plan a day's trek to Cotopaxi National Park, climbing to the volcano refuge based at 4,800 m.


Latacunga and surrounding area

Centre-ville de Riobamba.

Steps: Laguna Del Quilotoa

Also from Latacunga, discover the Quilotoa lagoon and the village of Zumbahua. This is the first stage of our journey through the Sierra (on a north-south axis).

Riobamba and the Chimborazo volcano

Steps: Volcán Chimborazo

Half-day tour of Riobamba: markets, cathedral, Concepción church, cobblestone streets and Maldonado Park. Take time to plan an excursion to the Chimborazo volcano, by bike for example.

Places of interest : CATEDRAL DE RIOBAMBA

The Chimborazo ice mines

Steps: Volcán Chimborazo

Weather permitting, as is often the case in the mornings, head for Cuatro Esquina, near La Moya, and climb the steep path to the ice mines, with the help of a horse. An unforgettable day with the locals in the high mountains.

Places of interest : MINES DE GLACE

Visit Cuenca

Steps: Cuenca

Spend a good half-day visiting the colonial city of Cuenca, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Cuenca's surroundings

Site archéologique d'Ingapirca.

Steps: San Joaquín

Visit the villages of San Joaquin, Chordeleg and Gualaceo. Spend a day discovering the lakes of El Cajas National Park, superb...

Inca ruins at Ingapirca

Steps: Ingapirca

From Cuenca, take an excursion to the pre-Hispanic site ofIngapirca, the country's only Inca site.

Take a break

Steps: Vilcabamba

Loja and Vilcabamba, south of the Ecuadorian Cordillera. Stay in the region of eternal spring and the village of Vilcabamba, where the inhabitants are said to have a longer life expectancy than others.

Day 19

Take a break, then

Rest and walk in nature.

Day 20

Take a break, then


Rest and walk in nature.

Heading for the Pacific coast

Tortue terrestre dorlotée au centre de la Fondation Darwin à Puerto Ayora.

Steps: Guayaquil

Join Guayaquil by night bus from Loja or by plane. Visit the country's largest city. One day is enough to visit the city. Guayaquil is a good starting point for a trip to the coast or to the Galapagos. For travellers on a budget: entry to the Galapagos National Park is quite expensive.

Galapagos Islands cruise

La plage de Puerto Villamil

Steps: Puerto Villamil

From Guayaquil, cruise the Galapagos Islands from theislands of Santa Cruz or San Cristobal, either as part of an organized tour (a more expensive option, but one that saves time and allows you to see and do as much as possible), or as an individual (which we recommend), with the purchase of services on site. Once in Santa Cruz, take the fast boat to Isabela, where you'll spend two nights.

Isabela (Galapagos Islands)

Steps: Santo Tomás

Second night in Isabela. Don't miss the must-do Los Tuneles diving excursion and the ascent of Wolf volcano.

Places of interest : LOS TÚNELES VOLCÁN WOLF

In San Cristobal (Galápagos)

Steps: Roca León Dormido - Kicker'S Rock

Departure for San Cristobal, where you will spend two nights. Excursions to Leon Dormido.

In San Cristobal (Galápagos)

Tortues terrestres dorlotées au Centre Darwin sur Santa Cruz.

Steps: Punta Pitt

Second night in San Cristobal. Excursion to Punta Pitt volcano.

Santa Cruz (in the Galápagos)

Steps: Puerto Ayora

Take the boat to Santa Cruz, where you'll spend a final night. Enjoy a day on beautiful Tortuga Bay and a visit to the Darwin Foundation. Then head back to Guayaquil.


Los Frailes Beach

Steps: Puerto López

Head north along the Pacific coast. From Puerto Lopez, head for Machalilla National Park and its superb Los Frailes beach.

Surfing and lounging in Montanita

Steps: Montañita

You can then head off to discover Montañita, a surf and party paradise.

Day 29

Montañita, the suite

Continue to relax and party on Montañita beach.

"A month to discover the best of Ecuador"

With Quotatrip - tailor-made travel

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